Hey all!
Quick introduction first:
I'm the bassguitarist/vocalist for Helshare, one of the support groups for ZH @ Grand Rokk.
I like beer A LOT

and (according to Troy) I SUCK!!
Before the announcement that ZH was on the way to Iceland, I had only the Towers album in a very (ahem) non-kosher format but I had listened to it occasionally. I'm more into old school death/thrash metal but metal is the keyword here so progressive is not at all uncommon in my collection. After a quick refresh of some more non-kosher versions of the ZH albums, (which I now proudly have original in house), I was very anxious to see these monster musicians on stage.
We certainly were stoked and very much looking forward to play on saturday and started the day "early" with rigging up and downing some beers at Grand Rokk while shooting the breeze with the other bands. In walk a bunch of metal looking guys with Thorsteinn, wearing their beanies since Icelandic weather sucks about 90% of the time. In some places here, people fall on their faces if the wind ever calms down. After a quick meet'n'greet with the guys they went on to soundcheck their stuff and those present were treated to a short extra concert right there! Man, if all soundchecks could be as cool as that! After the check we got to chat with the guys some more. Now I have played gigs both here in Iceland and in Norway and met up with a lot of bands through the years but never have I met nicer and straight forward guys than Jasun, Troy, Mike and Chris. In just a few minutes they totally owned the place and the whole atmosphere at Grand Rokk was just awesome.
The concert started at 11 o'clock when the freaks from Hostile stormed the stage for the first time in 8 months, now sporting a new singer from Down Under. I recommend you guys check them out at
HOSTILE @ MySpace. Their performance was top-notch and they certainly set the pace for the evening. Next up were Perla,
PERLA @ MySpace, a fresh group that were winners of the Global Battle of the Bands Qualifing in Iceland, and went to London to play their music in the GBOB finals. They certainly kept the pace and delivered a very nice set. Now it was time to dispense with the pleasentries as we the bastards from Helshare,
HELSHARE @ MySpace, were up next. We were armed with the premiere of one of our new song and without any remorse we ploughed into our program with malice! We agreed after the set that it was our best so far and the audience were awsome!
Now it was time for the execution of one of the most professionally played metal sets I ever witnessed. With my newfound knowledge of the ZH material I knew most of the songs played but the POWER wich they're delivered with on stage is something you can't experience on CD. Chris was totally possessed up front and a magnificent singer he is! As I found out on our Tour De Islande the day after, he's a big fan of Queensrÿche, as I am too and he's got some fantastic Tate influences in his vocals that totally RIP onstage! The senses were on overload from the first song, (not entirely due to excessive beerdrinking tho hehe), as each song was performed with passion and power. It was incredible to watch Jasun and Troy, their skills as musicians are just fantastic and being backed up by the incredibly tight and heavy drumming from Mike, this was a total metal feast, up close and personal!
My favorites this evening were Evidence of the Unseen, CRUSHING f**king heavyness!!!! and Stratagem, with Chris singing it was magnificent.
After the gig we hung around at Grand Rokk, drinking and goofing off until it closed and I got a VERY special autograph on my bassguitar from Troy!! Seeing is believing there! After closing time we went to my place for some shits and giggles, beer and metal. Even got to crank out my Seven Chuches vinyl with Possessed, courtesy of the Tiptons!
So there you have the Grand Rokk gig, best damn metal evening I ever experienced.....and survived hahaha!!
With no small amount of gratitude to Zero Hour and Thorsteinn, YOU GUYS RULE!!!
Here are some pictures from the evening, courtesy of Gunni!