how do I bipass forcusrite dsp software?


Nov 24, 2010
Livingston, Scotland. UK
So as you probably have guessed I own a Focusrite with dsp software. When I plug my guitar into the instrument input I get a clean guitar sound.

The problem is I can't get rid of this sound when using cubase with amp sims so I always have a clean guitar playing at the same time as the amp sim in cubase.

Anyone know how to bypass this? Its really off putting.

Sorry if I'm being as noob haha.
In the Audio/VST settings in cubase there will be a 'direct monitoring" option. Disable that. The focusrite software may have a similar setting in there too.
Thanks for getting back to me man.

I noticed this morning in the software for the Focusrite theres a bit that says Routing where you can round it to DAW.It wasn't even hard to find so now I feel like a knob :( Haha.
On the first strip you will notice your first input monitoring. You should be able to mute it as it usually acts as a monitoring option for the input b4 it hits the DAW. By default it's usually labeled "FX(Anlg1)".
It also may have to do with your Monitor Output options (usually located just above the fx/vrm section - to the right of the selection button that allows you to switch between the DSP/VRM DSP, and routing presets.

If this is enabled to DAW settings, then you may not hear the clean input (at least I don't) however if they are set to Mixes (L/R) then you will be able to hear the clean input, until you mute the channel monitoring.
