How do I get a nice fretless bass sound?


Jan 29, 2013

I'm owning a Fame Baphomet fretless 5-string NTB, with active pickups.
I was wondering how I'd get a fretless sound of which you can clearly hear it's fretless and also which is audible in a mix.
Such as Steve DiGiorgio in Death's Individual Thought Patterns or Jeroen Paul Thesseling in Obscura.
Of course I've tried, but still couldn't find a tone I'm satisfied with.

Hope you guys can help me out :D

Obviously the information that you want can be found in the 1800/4000hz area,plus some low mid's might also give this feeling.Try to boost and experiment.
Also keep in mind that Steve hits the strings really fucking hard!
Obviously the information that you want can be found in the 1800/4000hz area,plus some low mid's might also give this feeling.Try to boost and experiment.
Also keep in mind that Steve hits the strings really fucking hard!

In fact, Steve created a sound nobody else could produce with fretless bass
I agree.It's basically the "DNA" of the player.If you give any guitar and any amp on santana,it will still sound like santana.
When I think about fretless, I think about 400-500hz. This is usually where you cut for metal, but on a fretless it's where you boost. Chances are it will cut through great because the distorted guitars will be all but eliminating this range of frequencies.