How do I get this type of synth sound ?


Oct 30, 2010
I'm looking to get a synth sound that woulb be between those two synths.. ideas ?

At 5:05

At the begining

Look at those 2 artworks by the way, lol
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The second one should be doable with a wavetable synth, or any combination of square/saw oscillators where you can add a 5th (I think I can hear a 5th). With a bit of detune and a vibrato you could easily get at least close.

There is little Synth1 can't do as far as free synths go, and Sylenth1 is pretty much the best synth when it comes to analogue sounds as a whole, it has a wide variety of sounds and some of them sound stellar and so hi-fi.
On both sound like synthesized strings. It's possible if you know how to make supersaw type synths.
If you have knowledge around synths than maybe Warmy's Supersaw (free) could be for you.
Maybe Trance Zone Retro LE (free) also does the trick, not sure tho.
Just search among all the presets available in all your synths until one is close. Then adjust it, and asjust to taste reverb, and effects, it should be pretty easy because they are pretty much standard analogue synth sounds