Going bonkers trying to figure this out. 
In BFD2, it's quite simple; use the link tool... drag one drum to another. Done.
In Superior 2.0, how on earth do I get it so that I can trigger two kicks or three snares from one midi note? This is for live performance, so I don't want to just simply double up the note data across multiple notes.
The Superior manual isn't laid out that well, and isn't very clear on this matter.

In BFD2, it's quite simple; use the link tool... drag one drum to another. Done.
In Superior 2.0, how on earth do I get it so that I can trigger two kicks or three snares from one midi note? This is for live performance, so I don't want to just simply double up the note data across multiple notes.
The Superior manual isn't laid out that well, and isn't very clear on this matter.