Using Trigger to convert audio to midi to trigger Superior 2.0 in Sonar?

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia
Title pretty much says it all. If I have an audio track and I want to trigger Superior 2.0 with that via Trigger using Sonar 8.3, how do I do that? Can it be done? Atm I'm bouncing down Superior 2.0 samples and making Trigger instruments but obviously it's not ideal.
You have two options. You can use drum tracker which is toontrack's audio to midi converter, or use trigger's audio to midi converter (1.65 I believe). From there you know the drill with the midi track to SD2.0.

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It can be done, you just have to assign Trigger as a soft synth I think (via the Plug-in manager), so that it can output MIDI signals. Then you just have to set Superior's MIDI input.