Slate Trigger MIDI mistriggering problem


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

Running into a significant problem with my first time using Trigger 1.65.

I'm using a MIDI track, running into Trigger, to print some drum samples. I'm finding that, seemingly at random, anywhere from one to two dozen samples printed per song will be early to the actual trigger points. This is something which never happened to me with 1.64.

The kicker is that those samples are always early by the EXACT same amount.

Here's a picture to show what's going on:


Basically the hit on the left is 'right' and the hit on the right is 'wrong'. As you can see, the Superior Drummer snare triggers perfectly both times, whereas all the multi-samples run off multiple instances of Trigger seem to be early by the same amount. You can see the MIDI track below the snares, showing what the correct position of the hit was.

So... what's the deal here? I spent two hours I didn't have going through my project and fixing this, and it really isn't something I want to be doing again.
yeah it's annoying. reverting to 1.64 was the only way to go. with 1.65 sometimes it was working when I had the buffer size on my babyface set to 1024 samples but not always idk.
If I have to down grade to fix the issue, then I will as well. I spent over an hour fixing this problem when the product is advertised as phase accurate. I sent a support ticket to Slate Digital yesterday.
I have this problem as well. I use midi and will match each midi note by hand to the live snare to be in perfect phase. When i print samples from trigger, some snares will be out of phase or early. I thought some would be late as well, i would have to check again but i know it's a problem either way. I would like to roll back the installer as well if this helps from these problems! So please send my way as well if someone still has this.

Also if i try and play back trigger with a hw buffer size of 1024 in Protools, the plugin just goes wild and will not even play back correct. Hits skip and glitch all over the place. I made a support ticket but i guess its something to do with Protools and trigger. Just a problem they can not fix.

here is what i end up having to do.......I have to shut down Protools and change hw buffer to 64 on my Rme card and then open Protools (Which is slow as fuck), then open session (again which is slow as fuck) and then do what ever i need on drums and print them. Repeat all this again except change to 1024 instead of 64 to go back to mixing. I have to repeat this process every time i need to maybe change a drum part or layer another sample or whatever.

Just thought i would share my troubles as well. Again i use the shit out of this plugin and still love it. I do think the samples being out of phase with midi is a much bigger problem of the two.
No problems here with protools and osx...when I import the midi track in a new track it's totally phase fact if I retrigger it with Trigger in midi mode, the audio track and the midi track with sample are totally aligned.
No problems here with protools and osx...when I import the midi track in a new track it's totally phase fact if I retrigger it with Trigger in midi mode, the audio track and the midi track with sample are totally aligned.

Trigger works fine if your triggering with audio in 1024 on Protools. I use midi notes to trigger trigger and it just does not work out in 1024. Also i'm using midi again for the input when i'm talking about the samples becoming early when printed.

Just wanted to make sure you did not mistake what i was saying in my post. I'm sure the plugin works great when using audio as the input. I think it has some midi bugs though.
Ermz, why don't you duplicate the SD track for example, and trigger it from audio, and print the result, instead of triggering from midi, until the pb is fixed ?