Slate Trigger MIDI mistriggering problem

Ermz, why don't you duplicate the SD track for example, and trigger it from audio, and print the result, instead of triggering from midi, until the pb is fixed ?

Makes sense, but what's the point in circumventing around when a product's main advertising point is exactly what's at fault here?

Basically, Slate needs to get on this ASAP
Makes sense, but what's the point in circumventing around when a product's main advertising point is exactly what's at fault here?

Basically, Slate needs to get on this ASAP

This!! Triggering from MIDI is so much easier anyway at least for me. You can tweak the velocities right there and not have to create a seperate instance to get softer hits during blasts, fills, no automation to get those ghost notes triggered, no tweaking because a tom hit right after a soft snare hit during a fill is triggering the snare no matter WHAT FUCKING SETTING you use, etc.


But yes, product is advertised as phase accurate, although with MIDI it definitely is not phase accurate.
TBH, ever since Cubase 6.03 was released and transparent events were re-established, I've just been using the internal hitpoint -> MIDI conversion and it's been a total breeze. Don't even have to manually-align the MIDI track to the audio like I did with Trigger, either.
TBH, ever since Cubase 6.03 was released and transparent events were re-established, I've just been using the internal hitpoint -> MIDI conversion and it's been a total breeze. Don't even have to manually-align the MIDI track to the audio like I did with Trigger, either.

Oh man, I must read the manuals better ehehehehh Can you post a tuto on how to do this?
Makes sense, but what's the point in circumventing around when a product's main advertising point is exactly what's at fault here?

Basically, Slate needs to get on this ASAP

Oh yeah, that's completely true and I find it rather shocking considering how basic the feature is (midi note -> start sound), but my point was just it might be a short term solution instead of manually editing for a few hours the faulty tracks. Or maybe i'm forgetting a variable, I suppose ermz had his reasons if he had to edit the tracks.
Oh man, I must read the manuals better ehehehehh Can you post a tuto on how to do this?

I don't have any kind of screenshot available, but when you double click the track and bring up the wav editor, click hitpoints and set them - then there's a command on the left towards the bottom that will convert it to MIDI on either a new MIDI track or on a previously selected MIDI track.
That sounds great. Will redo a whole project this way, as Trigger was double triggering kicks and creating double midi notes on the whole project.
TBH, ever since Cubase 6.03 was released and transparent events were re-established, I've just been using the internal hitpoint -> MIDI conversion and it's been a total breeze. Don't even have to manually-align the MIDI track to the audio like I did with Trigger, either.

I don't have any problems with Trigger's MIDI Out (I still don't use it though). It's the MIDI IN that is causing the trouble.

Day 3 with no word from tech support.
I don't have any problems with Trigger's MIDI Out (I still don't use it though). It's the MIDI IN that is causing the trouble.

Day 3 with no word from tech support.

The printed MIDI from Trigger has always been late for me, by like 11.4ms or something. I always have to manually align the MIDI to the audio to get it to trigger in-phase when auditioning samples.

Suckage on the MIDI in issue, that's the one thing I use it for these days and it's been flawless. (1.62, that is).
TBH, ever since Cubase 6.03 was released and transparent events were re-established, I've just been using the internal hitpoint -> MIDI conversion and it's been a total breeze. Don't even have to manually-align the MIDI track to the audio like I did with Trigger, either.

Been doing the same thing here.
The printed MIDI from Trigger has always been late for me, by like 11.4ms or something. I always have to manually align the MIDI to the audio to get it to trigger in-phase when auditioning samples.

Suckage on the MIDI in issue, that's the one thing I use it for these days and it's been flawless. (1.62, that is).

Yeah, I hear ya. I have been using Reaper's Dynamic Split -> Convert to chromatic MIDI function to convert to MIDI and I never have to do much finagglin' with settings or moving anything around. Trigger's MIDI Out would always be slightly off-time, as you mentioned, and I would have to fuck with the settings for a while to get it to trigger everything.

I downgraded to 1.64 and MIDI In works better. The entire track will be out of time by a small amount but at least it's uniform so one nudge of the audio and everything is perfect.
If someone made something as easy to use as Trigger, except with workable MIDI and multi-out support for printing linked close/room samples to different tracks in PT, i would buy it in a minute and pay a substantial price.

I've owned trigger for over a year and MIDI has always been spotty at best, regardless of the version.
I don't have any kind of screenshot available, but when you double click the track and bring up the wav editor, click hitpoints and set them - then there's a command on the left towards the bottom that will convert it to MIDI on either a new MIDI track or on a previously selected MIDI track.

I couldn't find the buttom that converts the hitpoints to MIDI track. (Where is it :( ?)
If someone could post the 1,64 installer (PC version please) that would be awesome.
I don't want start a WWIII with it so if you wondering why I ask that, go to slate forum, you will understand...
If someone could post Trigger EX 1.64 installer (MAC version), that would be awesome too.


Giuseppe [giubis]