Slate Trigger MIDI mistriggering problem

Spoke to the programming team. Now that we realize that many people want to trigger FROM MIDI, there is a definite fix for the midi input engine that would make it spot on, look for it in an update.


YEEEES. Been having this issue for a while. The reson we like to use Trigger FROM midi is because it gives us varying control over the dynamics of a drummer. I may record one who's velocities are all over the place, causing trigger to playback at inconsistent volumes, just like my crappy drummer. With MIDI, I can grab a batch of hits and adjust their velocity quickly, allowing for a more consistent sound.

And if I've already paid hundreds for trigger, I'd rather not pay again for SSD.
Not a priority then?

I'm not sure where else to ask - I've yet to receive a response from tech support about my original query over a month ago.

Hey Ermz, just to clarify.. this is a mis triggering problem with the midi input of trigger only? if i was only triggering actual close microphones on a drumset it wouldn't be a problem? I'm just wondering because i have logic and the midi out/in doesn't work on audio units.. but the new trigger updates have drag and drop midi files which would be useful for triggering other samples from superior or ezdrummer just been putting off the update because of this.

Sorry a bit off topic i know!
The audio to midi capture in Trigger is excellent (though the midi out crashes my REAPER for some reason)

The instrument-trigger-off-midi function is busted.
I received this message from Slate tech support on the 27th of January:

The midi input of Trigger was optimized for the output from trigger but not the input. Usually our users have the oposite issue with delays on the hits. The new version of the plugin may have had some issues which when corrected made this issue. My advice is to downgrade if you need. I will do some testing and forward this issue to the dev team.

Haven't heard anything since.
^^^ Pretty ridiculous if you ask me. I've been getting by using MAssey DRT to convert drum tracks to audio ticks (similar to a triggered sound) and putting trigger on those so that I get more even response. Would love the midi input to be fixed though. Makes it so easy to change velocities for softer notes, rolls etc.