How do the British view British-Muslims


Jan 30, 2006
Pittsburgh, PA
In light of recent events in the U.K., I was just curious how British people look upon their society of British-Muslims. Is there anger, predjudice,separation? If you pass a Muslim on the street, really what do you feel?
There are very few Muslims where I live, but where they do live there is a lot of racial tension and it is bound to be higher now with the incidents of apparant Muslim terrorism. I say "apparant" because there could be more to it than meets the eye.

Muslims don't like the native British population. They sometimes spit on white British people and consider the women as sluts for not covering their bodies as much as Muslims feel they should.

Some English towns have a very high proportion of Asians living there. There are often riots in these towns. The Asians are known to pracitice ethnic cleansing against whites living on the peripheries of the areas that they dominate, and of course any unlucky enough to live within those areas. They use violence, valdalism and verbal abuse to try to get the whites to move away.

After the attacks on 9/11 there were more attacks on Muslims, as well as following the London bombings, and there is a similar situation now, after the supposed attempt to detonate bombs aboard flights.

However, I am convinced that there is an agenda by Israel to make the west fight Islamic nations in a world war, and no matter what the Muslims do, or are accused of doing, here, I really don't want us to fall into that trap.
No real feelings, inparticular. I tend to judge based on person as opposed to colour or creed. It's obviously a difficult situation for British Muslims, considering the fickle nature of Joe Public, but in my experience British muslims are hard-working and interesting people, just as any non-Muslim can be.

Racial tensions and the related violence are preoccupations of the stupid, in my humble opinion.

Also, it IS a minority that act in such a way, a brainwashed minority. Ergo, I feel no need to generalise hate to an entire people.
I don't feel particularly for or against them. There aren't many where I live, so when I pass them I usually wonder if the women really have such a hard time as everybody makes out, especially as they often look happy with their families or friends. From an outsiders perspective they often look like a close family, doing shopping or whatever together.

I'd say racial violence perpetrated by Muslims and Non-Muslims is relatively the same, at least in Scotland. I don't think anything less of the Muslim community after this latest 'terrorist plot to cause mass murder on an unimaginable scale.' To be honest, I'm waiting to see some evidence for this before I believe it's anything more than an attempt to try and gain popular support for the 'war on terror' and a semi-successful ploy to take everyone's mind off what's happening in the Lebanon and elsewhere in the Middle East.
Neith said:
' To be honest, I'm waiting to see some evidence for this before I believe it's anything more than an attempt to try and gain popular support for the 'war on terror' and a semi-successful ploy to take everyone's mind off what's happening in the Lebanon and elsewhere in the Middle East.

Well said:)
I can only imagine much has changed in England since I stopped living there (well over 20 years ago).

Back then there was little racism against Muslims as there was against Indians (which I experienced first hand) & also Pakistani's.

I can only guess what England is like now.

Norsemaiden said:
Muslims ... sometimes spit on white British people and consider the women as sluts for not covering their bodies as much as Muslims feel they should.

We have that here too, but unfortunately, (most of) the young Arab males here are aggressive, egotistical and feel lost because they've never visited their homeland. And because of their ties to their faith, a small few used fundamentalism as an excuse to carry out gang rapes on non-Arab girls.

Norsemaiden said:
After the attacks on 9/11 there were more attacks on Muslims, as well as following the London bombings, and there is a similar situation now, after the supposed attempt to detonate bombs aboard flights.

Now some of you know what I look like.. knowing this, I work in a very conservative area (Sydney's North Shore). When the 9/11 attacks came, I was also living in this area, and let me tell you, the stares I got in the shopping centre at that time were not approving. The skepticism, from even walking around was really annoying me, and also saddening at the same time.

Norsemaiden said:
However, I am convinced that there is an agenda by Israel to make the west fight Islamic nations in a world war, and no matter what the Muslims do, or are accused of doing, here, I really don't want us to fall into that trap.

Well said Norsemaiden, I totally agree. Regardless of what I may feel for/against the West and the East, I dont want it to happen either. However, I feel it's turning into a mudslide, and if it doesnt happen now, it will be a decade at least until it finally erupts. The buttons have not yet popped, but the threads are slowly straining and snapping. Its a really sad thought.