Billy if you hate all Muslims......

Apr 3, 2004
...whats your opinion of Black Muslims. Since its all the same. Lets hear how you feel about the black muslim people. Also whats your opinion of the child raping religion known as Catholisism. Because I think that being a catholic is just as bad, as being a muslim. Any religion that turns a blind eye on pedophillia is just as bad. The entire catholic religion from the pope down is guilty of pedophillia, for allowing those crimes to go on for decades.
Yeah that is very sick that the Roman Catholic authorities turned a blind eye to priests molesting children, but it also happens in islam as well, they do sick things to children and even marry them when they are still so young. You don't hear much of that often because the islamic authorities are turning a blind eye to it as well, and in most cases even think it is acceptable.

Religion is pretty fucked up in my opinion.
All religion is bad. Muslem,CAtholic,Jew or whatever the fuck. Its a way to brainwash and bleed the public of there money.
Black American Muslims are not real Muslims.
The Black culture in America is none existing. Show me one guy in Africa
That Rapped or played the blues 20 years ago. You can't. Black Americans
excpeting Islam is there way of being Anti-Catholic and Anti White.
End of Story!!!
Cryptkeeper said:
That's an interesting point. It remindes me of a discussion I had on another board, if a "hardcore ghetto thug" could survive in Africa.
Post the link for that forum .........I would like to see that...............