Alla who?

Believe it or not, Islamic faith permits tolerance of christians and jews, so long as there is a possibility to live in peace and where peace is offered. It is intolerant (based on what i've read) towards an eliminativist politic that would be EXclusive of islamic faith in particular and faith in general. But that's as it should be and it's understandable. If I were religious and saw my people and my faith actively persecuted, I should take arms (jihad) too.

I understand what you are saying... And this WOULD be applicable IF america was saying before the attacks: "All of Islam must die. We must kill them all". But america was NOT saying this.

And how is destroying the world trade center and the pentagon stopping this even if it WAS happening? Basically, they wanted to blow something up as they were IRRATIONAL due to the years of religious hammering
Originally posted by Trapped

I understand what you are saying... And this WOULD be applicable IF america was saying before the attacks: "All of Islam must die. We must kill them all". But america was NOT saying this.

And how is destroying the world trade center and the pentagon stopping this even if it WAS happening? Basically, they wanted to blow something up as they were IRRATIONAL due to the years of religious hammering

....that's precisely why Osuma bin laden et al should not be considered the mainstream of islamic faith. They are extremists.

America in their eyes needn't be so explicit as to say "all of islam must die." That message is present in other things- our secular culture (e.g., internet, pornography, opeth hehe), our policies and involvement in israel and the middle east in general. The message lies there within, which is then amplified exponentially through the zealotry of religious extremism/fundamentalism.
I know these things you mention deffer from that of islam... but they do not threaten it, that is why i don't understand their reasoning...