Question for the British: Queuing

I hate people who don't understand queue etiquette


i was ready to quit a job because people who i worked with(mainly immigrants) didn't know how to fucking queue, GODDAMMIT! i would get so pissed from it, i'd come home with a bloody head ache. oh yeah, the job was only temp aswell, :lol:

p.s i'm not a racist.
Dude, I fucking HATE people who don't understand NYC subway queue etiquette - no matter how many people are piled up on the platform waiting to get on a train that's just pulled in, they always back off and let the people on the train get off (and then proceed to storm and cram in, in true New Yorker fashion :lol::cool: )
I'm a Brit: queueing makes sense. In Sweden here we all take a little ticket and wait for your number. Swedes don't understand queueing or personal space LOL!
As Spanish is coming from Latin too, the meaning here is tail too.
Me and many people don't mind shouting at people who ignore the queue and they say "it's just a quick question", yeah right, ok, go on but ask first.
I hate when queueing and the one behind stands so close to you that you feel like if you have to push forward. I don't move just to see if s/he gives up. war for territory!!
OT: they say it's considered invasion of your personal room when they come closer than 25 cms.
/morning rant.