A Question for Travis, Meanspark, and the rest of the pros on here


Art Geek
Jun 14, 2008
If you're not comfortable in answering this question or what ever then don't but I would REALLY appreciate some help here. I have a lot of trouble getting work. I mean a lot of trouble. On average, I'd say I'd get about 3 job offers per every 4 months or so. And I post ads on sites about every month or so and the link to my blog is in my signature on every forum I'm on. The truth of the matter is that more than half of the offers I get end up falling through or I never get paid, etc. I've tried doing free art for bands and such. That seems to do me no good at all. I live in an area with a TON of bands and labels and such. The bay area has a long history of music especially metal. Yet I get no work.
Can you guys PLEASE lend me some advice on marketing my art? It's just not funny anymore... :erk:
Don't think of this as supporting your "competition" as we all live far enough away that I don't really think I can be called that.... and if you knew me better you definitely wouldn't consider me competition.
Thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU! :notworthy
Well, we are in the same boat...I dont know where to start. I am not full-time right now, far from that. I know Mattias Norén closed his business for similar reasons. I guess it's difficult for everyone who starts in the industry. My advice is to extend the field of activity and stop focusing on music only. Actually I got contract for a skiwear company, I make flyers and advertising for them, it helps me out. I also spoke to book editor and it's clear I have my place there. Since I graduated, I worked a lot in the multimedia area (in a company). I illustrated stuff for kids and yeah it was really far from metal music. Some people have a dayjob and design covers as a part-time job, it's a matter of choice. I know it's difficult to get hired, we really need to know a lot of people and have a good portfolio. Once it's started, it going well.

Basically, it's difficult to work in the underground metal scene, most of the bands have no budget for art. The reality is different in the 'mainstream world'.

Im glad someone spoke about that, because if we're here then we all have the same interests, isn't?
Good luck guys, keep doing amazing stuff
I just graduated from college in May so i am in no way a pro, but im going through the same thing you are.

my advice would be to get a bachelors degree in graphic design (if u havent already) and find a full time job(be it dealing with design/print, or something else). u can get decent paychecks and u can still work on material for bands, etc at home once u are off work or during the weekends. im currently searching like crazy to find a reliable job that i can save up some money and at the same time work on crafting my skills while at home.

just a thought, but i wouldnt rely on freelance work alone if u wish to stay out of debt and such.
My advice is to extend the field of activity and stop focusing on music only. Actually I got contract for a skiwear company, I make flyers and advertising for them, it helps me out. I also spoke to book editor and it's clear I have my place there. Since I graduated, I worked a lot in the multimedia area (in a company). I illustrated stuff for kids and yeah it was really far from metal music. Some people have a dayjob and design covers as a part-time job, it's a matter of choice. I know it's difficult to get hired, we really need to know a lot of people and have a good portfolio. Once it's started, it going well.

Basically, it's difficult to work in the underground metal scene, most of the bands have no budget for art. The reality is different in the 'mainstream world'.

I've done a lot of different things, Custom Airbrushing (like on Motorcycles and guitars and stuff), Concept artwork (for games and things), and illustration for book covers.

Thanks for all of the tips guys. Some people have this shit down. There are a lot of famous artists that were much better at marketing their art than making it! Jackson Pollock, Andy Warhol, and.... argh I can't remember his name but the guy that does those landscapes, they're making a movie about him.
you are right for the marketing part. Some artists in the 60's-70's were very agressive about their reputation and their success. They had too much attention for what they've accomplished (imo). I prefer someone working in the shadow than a bad artist making millions.
Yeah, they're "pop" artists. BTW Meanspark... you're art is incredible. better than travis imo...
Oh no, It is not better,
thank you for the kind words, I do appreciate it but let's speak of YOUR art.
I have too much attention right now :/
What ever. Better or worse is all a matter of personal opinion. IE I LOVE Meshuggah yet I played them for a friend once and he literally said it was the worst pile of shit he'd ever heard! I think that stuff like this: http://meanspark.com/images/m08.jpg and http://meanspark.com/images/m14.jpg and especially http://meanspark.com/images/m02.jpg is absolutely awesome. I've always looked down on photo manipulation because I thought it was too simple or what ever. I was like a draw/paint elitist... but you guys... shit. You guys take to a whole other level!
BTW do you guys have face books? I hate myspace but face book is awesome! http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/profile.php?id=1280829252 is my page. You have to become my friend before you can have access to it though.
Thanks Jake, was nice reading you, it's good for my low self-esteem, seriously.

I thought having a facebook account would be great but you know, this is the kind of things I already spend too much time on it. I mean myspace is there, I check my messages on a daily basis but I keep leaving things I should do until later. :/
only been paid a couple of times. i have a p/t job, due to start college next monday then off to uni soon. I basically havent touched the whole illustrating for a while, Just because i get asked to do stuff for free and left feeling uninspired.
I went to college. Acquired a BA in Visual Arts. One all that was completed and under my belt. I had a couple of interviews, which ended up giving the job to someone more experienced even though they raved over my work. I graduated 3 and a half years ago and have had no luck getting a job for a company. But, it is only part time. I have to have a full time job to feed the family and keep the roof over our heads. It was very slow to start until I found a internship online through a company out of New York. I worked for them for 6 months, it was cool, no pay, but it gave me some experience. But, that did not help me at all. Since I had no luck during my first year out of school I have had my own design business, like some of the others here. I haven't done much work, but my name is out there a little. I have done work for bands and festivals. I haven't had the opportunity to design cd cover art. Mostly website work. Most client want something for nothing as I have found. I am now working as a contractor for a company that is starting out and they are keeping me around as there designer, which is cool, but not making a lot of money right now. The potential is there. I will be designing other websites for them in the future. Besides the occasitional design contract i continue my day job. *sigh*