Question for the Maidens


May 14, 2012
So when you guys aren't touring, do you ever check out other concerts? If so, do y'all go together and what were the last shows you saw?

The last two I went to:
I got to see an acoustic show by Robb Flynn at Brick by Brick. It was a real treat, and there was a blues-rock band that opened for them. They sounded alright with me. Robb praised them as "Bad Company".

I also got to see In Flames last week at the House of Blues. Holy hell. That was the most insane circle pit I have ever had the displeasure of being in. I was really hoping to see All Shall Perish too but I missed 'em cause I got there so late.

I know you're from LA so if you do have time to check out concerts, it would probably be around there. Most bands tend to skip San Diego and just hit up LA and then northern California, but I have pledged to only check out shows here. I was really excited to see Holy Grail coming but they'll be touring with a bunch of thrash bands I don't care for.
Court and I go to shows together all the time! We're seeing Firewind and Turisas on Fri. Should be a killer night.

Catch Holy Grail if you can! Eli and Alex are 2 of the best live players I know and the band is tons of fun.
ha eli and luna are prob coming to the show on sat in san diego... i was partying with them the whole 70k tons of metal cruise:devil:
I pre-ordered Holy Grail's album and I love it...but they're playing at the House of Blues with Exodus, Anthrax, Municipal Waste and High on Fire. That's $35 or so to see one band I like and a bunch that I am not much of a fan of (please nobody throw stuff at me! I know people LOVE the big 4 but the only one of those I like is Metallica).

Say, you guys should do a tour with Holy Grail!! I would definitely show up to that. Eli and their old guitarist James LaRue have a hilarious set of videos on YouTube about guitars and music theory.

Firewind and Turisas...never heard of 'em. What kind of music do they play?
hi!!! maidens!!! from Managua Nicaragua
We wait for them on April 6!!! we are excited!!!
you will sell items? as t-shirt, poster, and phots autographed? That would be cool!!!
we hope to see them soon!!! :worship:
hi!!! maidens!!! from Managua Nicaragua
We wait for them on April 6!!! we are excited!!!
you will sell items? as t-shirt, poster, and phots autographed? That would be cool!!!
we hope to see them soon!!! :worship:

Hola Avrilzee! :wave: We're excited to come to Nicaragua! We will definitely bring some items to sell but you can always order shirts and other gear directly through our web site. :D
Kirsten "Bruce Chickinson";10567804 said:
Hola Avrilzee! :wave: We're excited to come to Nicaragua! We will definitely bring some items to sell but you can always order shirts and other gear directly through our web site. :D

thank you for answering I love them, i am eager to see them and to listen to them.....see you soon the iron maidens , edwina and girls...
You are the best!
Dear Maidens, I've been an Iron Maiden fan since I was in High School in the early 1980's! Sorry, I guess you guys get a lot of old guys like me poking around in here and I'm old as that dirt in the crack's of the floor at the night-club you guys played at last night! :eek:

Oh well, on with the question, who came up with the name "Iron Maiden's"?
You guys ever play the east coast of the US?
Ever do any song writing?
Court and I go to shows together all the time! We're seeing Firewind and Turisas on Fri. Should be a killer night.

Catch Holy Grail if you can! Eli and Alex are 2 of the best live players I know and the band is tons of fun.

Better not miss that Firewind show. I read Gus is putting the band on the shelf indefinitely following this tour.
The name was an obvious one we all!!! It was a no brainer that came up at the conception of this project.
We have played the East Coast many moons ago and are eagerly awaiting a proper promoter to bring us back for a return visit! We're dying to come back!!
We all have or do currently belong to original projects and write original material. We just have never done it collectively as the Maidens.