How do this effect?


Dirty Man-Horse
Jan 14, 2008

Sounds like a EQ sweeping low to high. How do this?

Go listen to HIT SOMEBODY on my Myspace page. I did the same thing on that song just after the intro.

I automated a parametric with a medium size Q in 3 places and swept the spectrum. To add to the effect I added a reverse cymbal with a sweep on that too.

Bands big influence was White Chapel and they asked me to do it cause they loved the way it sounded on Possession
Automating EQ sounds like doing the most though. This effect is easily achieved by automating the cutoff of a filter like vespiz was talking about. If your in pro tools just add the AIR vintage filter to the track add cutoff to the automation dialogue, and use the line tool thing to go from the bottom to the top of the section, print it when your satisfied:) this should translate to every DAW though
I'm also trying to do this too.
How would you do this in Logic Pro 8 with the standard EQ plug-ins? I dont see anything about automating EQ's. The only automation is see is for track volume and panning.