How do you define "drunk"?

bodomite said:
not being able to type or talk straight
agreed.. also when you lose a pice of your body, that you know was attached there before..
a friend of mine was very drunk and decied to take a piss.. when he got near the bushes he started to search for *the you know what*, but didn't find it..
he started to shout that some1 has cut off it, and that he can't find it.. ooh well.. after shouting in panic in 20 seconds he succeeded locating IT.. one may just wonder why he didn't find it.. ;)
anyways.. i'v never had that mutch fun laughing at someone that drunk :)
to the definision o fdrunk you could also add that you can't remeber what you did last evening, tho it allready came up...
that means no liquor love for tonight? aww :-/

anyone else to play along with me right now? i'm about halfway through the only bottle i have!

anyway, those people that wished for more people to drink till they have their ass as a hat and then post here for their amusement, don't get your hopes up, i'm a MAN (read: need more beer for that :-P)
yeah, yogota, that's a really gooood definition! what could I add? when you get totally pissed because of some unimportant things or get totally happy because of them, when you talk VERY loud because you think nobody can hear you... being drunk can often be VERY embarrasing... yeah, and when you don't remember anything the next day.. but then you have to be VERY drunken....