I used to be a mid scooper, maximum treble, bass and no mids :is ashamed:
Bumping up mids is also essential for improving technique IMHO, since more mids magnify your technique mistakes. I've noticed since I started using heaps of mids and way less gain that I play a lot better now.
That is not to say you'll have bad technique with mid scoop, but it helps to see where your technique deficiencies are.
I do have to turn the amp up some, my mids are not 0 though, got them at 5 for recording(7 live), and my gain is not maxed, it's at 8, so high but not maxed.
Well, I use a GNX4 and it has a separate EQ for every program. I am reasonably happy using that. However, I would love to find the tone Wolf Hoffmann had in the mid-80's. Even with today's great technology and awesome players, the tone he had in that era is still unmatched in my ears. Of course, his sound is much more than just a simple EQ, but I haven't been able to mimic it.
One bit of advice I do have is that you need a totally different EQ for playing by yourself and with a band. I tend to accentuate the lows and highs and cut out the mids when just jamming by myself. It gives you a nice thinck full-bodied sound. However, when you use that "V" formula, it doesn't work in a band situation. With the lows turned up, you tend to overpower the bass guitar. The highs being turned up tend to get shrill at high volumes and can even drown out the high-hat. The mids actually need to be beefed up and the lows and highs toned down just a bit in order for the guitar to "cut through." Having said that, you can get by with the "V" shape more when using a clean (non-distorted) sound.

Numbers are worthless since every amp, cabinet, and pickup/guitar combination will sound different, and every amp's EQ knobs work very differently. A 5150 with all knobs at 10 will sound like ballshit, and a JCM800 with all knobs on 10 will sounds awesome.
My amp has an EQ..:eek:

and I like turning the knobs around :eek:

Haha likewise!!! I struggle to get an awesome tone though... I think part of the problem is that I play through a digi-effects pedal, much thicker sound than my amp's distortion. But then there's all the extra variables of EQ, gain and tonal settings...

In short I have my bass just over half way up, treble 1/2 - 2/3 up and middle is the problematic one...I used to have it below half (minus), but found my tone was muddy. I don't really like it too high, so I have it around half +/-
i definitely used to scoop a lot but after having tons of experience in my bands and my guitar teacher helping me i have found a good sound with tons of mids. i use a marshall valvestate and i have the mids at around 7, treble, 8, bass 4 or 5 and the countour around 3 o clock
the countour really makes the difference on that amp, i also use a mxr 10 band eq for some added coloring.

but i just bought a peavey 5150 (coming in on friday) so i have to tweak that around and find a good tone with that
I feel the need to replace my amp head because the low-end is too boomy and I have to turn it down a lot to get a decent tone. My cabinet has an incredible treble tone though, so it's alright.

Currently, I have my amp set with the bass at about 9:00, the low mid at 11:00, the hi mid at 12:30, and the treble at 2:00. And on my bass's EQ I have the treble a little bit past halfway, the hi mid a little higher, the low mid just a smidge below halfway, and the bass at halfway or a smidge low than the low mid, depending on whether I'm using my practice amp or my stage rig.
It's a GK Goldline 500. Basically the Backline 600 in a different chassis. And my cab is a Goldline 810, which is awesome.

I'm assuming I'm not breaking any rules of the thread by posting about my bass guitar tone. I don't like the concept of exclusion.
Hmmm I guess I´m lucky to play on a Multi effects pedal. I play a Dean Michael Shenker Standard (it came also with a 10 watt Dean amp)with a Zoom G2 pedal. In the guitar and the amp i use the BR00TAL mode :rofl: absolutely everything at ten, and playing with the neck pickup. But what gives me the awesome tone is the EQ in the pedal. Using a noise gate and the six band EQ my guitar sounds so sweet! In the main EQ i tweak the bass in 3, the mids in 4 and the treble in 7, while in the extra EQ the pedal has, I put bass in -4 (the levels can get to -11) mids in -2 and treble in 0. The result? a very powerful tone, punchy on the bass but smooth on the leads. It kinda sounds like in Sodom´s Code Red, or Kreator´s Enemy Of God, but a little more distorted
Using my Bugera 333XL Crunch Channel for my rhythm sound:
Gain 7 Bass 4.5 Mids 9 Treble 6 XL switch on.
Lead Channel for my lead sound:
Gain 5 Bass 5 Mids 10 Treble 7 XL switch off.

Presence control is for all channels and is set to 5. I was really surprised that there was more than enough gain to bring down a house on the Crunch Channel. Overall decent amp, I'd still like to get something else though, the build quality is pretty mediocre though. Can't expect much from a Chinese-made amp.
Used to scoop my mids religiously, the problem with that is you lose alot of tone #1, #2 it makes practicing with a drummer more problematic (my drummer uses me exclusively as a reference point, with my setup I have the gain just past halfway (having it on full makes it nosiy and a bit muddy) My mids sit right about in the middle, highs at about 9 and lows at maybe 5 or 6 (bear in mind that I play in C, so I don't require an ass load of lows. Remember also that playing with a full band is gonna change your sonic dynamic anyway you want your guitars with some good bit and you want your bass to form your foundation.