How do you guys go about getting snarehits on a consistent volume...

Bob, try out the Waves C1 gate and use the upward compression preset. Make sure you adjust the attack to be as fast as possible and set a proper release. Then adjust the floor and gate and the snare will really pop out away from the OH bleed. Once you isolate the snare, you can really start tweaking compression for steady state volume on hits. This has worked great for me in the past.
Cheers dude, once again this forum rocks!

And yes, the drums are allready recorded.. i would not say the drums were recorded badly or average though, they were in very good state as they arrived here. nicely edited and well placed... my biggest problem is getting the snare consistent and losing OH bleed at the same time.. but it seems i can really try some tips here, cheers and hopefully i'll be able to post a clip soon then!

Sounds good Matt, i'll see if i can try that as well... do you have msn btw?