How do you guys work with/edit a vocalist with horrible timing?


Dec 30, 2010
Hey guys sometimes i get vocalists that have just terrible timing and have no idea how their stuff should be structured. i try to coach them but many times they are still unable to get a perfect or good take, any suggestions on how to maybe edit vocals like word by word to make them in time and still sound natural?

Thanks a ton
I find slip editing vocals to be pretty easy, since there's usually clear spaces between words. Just cut between words and move each one to the right place? I guess you might have to stretch some words if the singer REALLY sucks.
Vocals are alot easier to edit than most instruments. What Fama said is perfect. You could use Vocalign or I guess Melodyne if you want a fast & possibly unsatisfactory solution.
slip edit and time stretching all the way..i deal with this A LOT..often times to the point where I have to come up with the structures myself since the vocalist doesn't seem to realize that the patterns don't even go with the music. So basically record a few lines, split and slip/stretch to grid, rinse and repeat.
I get a million takes.
The singer/screamer should be able to get in the ball park of right timing.
Then it is all just slip editing and time stretching so all tracks played together just sound like one massive sounding vocal take.
i have never done time stretching any insight on doing it in cubase?

Thanks a bunch for replies btw
Does this really happen as often as it seems?
As a vocalist, I don't find it very hard to go along with the song as long as I've at least sort of rehearsed, and the idea of being off time and having poor structure seems dumb.. I feel like I'd have to have down syndrome to be able to do that.

If I have to deal with people like this when I start recording locals, I'm going to get frustrated. :/
I find slip editing vocals to be pretty easy, since there's usually clear spaces between words. Just cut between words and move each one to the right place? I guess you might have to stretch some words if the singer REALLY sucks.

This is exactly what I do. When I recorded my brother's singer he would be off in some areas but it was quite easy to do the cuts and edits since there were gaps between lines
If you are good at timing, as the producer, you could sing or talk the part as guide vocal on a different track. +1 for the multiple takes! Had to do this one time for a singer in a song that was in 5/4 time.