How do you like my guitarsound?

korpse pop

Horde of Undead Vengeance
Jun 22, 2005

I've been searching for the perfect metal guitar sound for a long time and there have been times when I was really frustrated with the sound I was getting.
My biggest problem is that I can't mic a real amp because how loud it is, so I'm forced to record direct. Right now I don't have money to buy POD XT or other higher-end amp modeller, so I have to experiment with the gear I already have.

Recently I bought Line 6 POD 2 and Ibanez MS10, which I modded to sound more like TS-9. Now with running them together, I've finally found a solid distortion sound. Without MS10 POD sounds really weak and buzzy.

Since there seems to be lots of real gearheads with probably better pair of ears and better monitors than I have, I would be really interested to hear your opinion about my sound.
Note that there is no real bass guitar, only guitar with pitch shifter, so the overall sound might sound a little weak.

I hope you can give me some advice and ideas on my guitar sound to make it better!

This is not a real song, just some improvised riffs to test my tone. There are 4 guitar tracks, 2 last tracks are played with different pickup position and some mids are cut. 2 first tracks are totally unprocessed.
Panning :
track 1 100% left
track 2 100% right
track 3 100% left
track 4 100% right

Here's the clip :

Do you think I should cut some mids or is the eq ok?
your tone is quite alright. makes me remember of the slayer record season in the abyss. try to add a bit more bass. slightly more middle.

and mayby a bit more drive would be cool.
tweak something out. if i play this mp3 loud it's quite a cool sound.
Eipä toimi linkki. Pitää tosin lontoota vääntää täällä ;)

Do not cut mids from a guitar, that is what the instrument is all about. While it sounds good alone, it sucks donkey balls in a band setting - your bassist drowns your lows and your drummer drowns your highs with the cymbals.

And while it is remotely possible to get a good guitar tone using transistor emulator pedals etc, you simply cannot beat a good real tube amp driven hard into power amp distortion.