How do you record/mix BD with 2 mikes?


Alex Cappa TMF Studios
Next weekend I´m going to record some drums, and I will use 57 near to the beater and b52 right into the hole. I wonder how you manage possition, eq, compresion, volume....¿?
57 dead center touching the head, or moved to right/left side...¿?
Thanks, happy new year
hey howd this go?

ive actually done this exact same setup before so im wondering how it went for you. when i did it there ended up being way to much bleed in the 57 so i ended up throwing out the track. i might try using a 421 next instead of the 57.
We experimented with this quite a bit at school. D6 & 421, D6 & D112 and D6 & 414 were the ones I liked most. TBH, I'm pretty sure I'll be using two mics quite often from now on.

try a D6 out, a beta 91 in, and a subkick, you'll shat your pants