How does this guitar sound? lend me yer ears plz [x50 test]


Señor Miembro
Feb 17, 2009
it's mostly an x50 test, pitched guitar for the bass, i think sounds fairly good to post here

it's supposed to have a lot of synth action on top but, still on the works... i think the guitar may be a little bit loud =( do you find any obvious problems?

thanks in advance! and thanks onqel for his awesome sim! :worship:



that's as far as it's gonna get! :kickass:
thanks a lot man :) one thing i noticed (which i don't go and post in the official thread now because i still have to make some tests to make sure) is that my tone changed a lot if i rendered the project, being in hi fi mode and all, so i just used the sim in hi fi and recorded to a container track, i don't have any problem in doing it that way, maybe i missed some setting or something, but it sounded better this way anyway :) I'll let you know if something decent comes out of the synth editing! =)
Thanks guise :B

this is what i'm using for the guitars:

Uploaded with

And i'm a bitch 'cause i forgot to mention god's cabs, which i think sounds awesome!
I added a bit of x30 on the back too, not that low actually, but with default settings, definately, so that would make the 4 guitar tracks

Thanks a lot for the feedback dudes! :kickass:

Edit: BTW, this could sound a lot better/worse in anyone's guitar, i only have a shitty old-passive 6string :D
haha thanks man, yeah i think i'm getting an 8stringer soon anyway! actually for the synthy stuff i always start with some free synth and end up mixing it with guitar sounds and a considerable ammount of edits/automation, strong automation actually, and of course my friend the Glitch vst! i only use it for the gating tho haha :kickass:
@drope934: Thanks man!, guitar is drop C now, and that thing is this noise gate


i love it for everything!

@wetpenny: Thanks dawg

@ApeScaleConflict: Cool, one thing i'm finding hard lately is producing a good mix saturation without the gain going crazy and making my master comp explode... i'll definately check through that, thanks! :kickass: i spent quite a bit aligning to grid so, it's cool it shows! =)

@CubanDude: :guh:

@OneDaySky:Thanks man, you know i played most of the patterns like 1 million times to have enough for edits later, and in that particular area you refer, i started even phase aligning the guitars, to a point they started sounding mono :S ... so i finished the pattern and didn't edit like that again in the project...

Thanks a lot for the awesome feedback! :kickass:
i don't think cubandude knows that "blows" is actually a bad thing.. haha.

nice tone. still not had the chance to look at the x50 in a mix, but it sounds nice! the low tuning part sounds a bit weird though..!

really good stuff!

only thing i'd do is look at changing the cymbal hit velocities, they sound a bit mechanical!

i don't think cubandude knows that "blows" is actually a bad thing.. haha.

nice tone. still not had the chance to look at the x50 in a mix, but it sounds nice! the low tuning part sounds a bit weird though..!

really good stuff!

only thing i'd do is look at changing the cymbal hit velocities, they sound a bit mechanical!


Thanks a lot man, good ears :P it's pitchshifted, my guitar just can't go that low haha :heh: good point on the cymbals too! :)
No, I totally mean it... :D

Okay, now it makes perfect sense why I got beaten up last time in the Bronx... Kinda confusing.. smokes, blows.. whatever... :D

Great work, dude!
Not to many comments on the mix...but...

God...DAMN that is how you write a riff.

Let me know if you'd be interested in throwing some vocals over the top of it