How does this sound to you guys?

Listening with my tired ears :) I'd say the snare is pretty dry - and the drums in general - a nice reverb could fix that. The keyboards at the beginning are a bit loud for me and don't fit the rest. And the guitars could be beefier (low pass and more mid?). I like the bass and the vibe of your mix!
I did go light on the reverb on the drums. I've been noticing that trend in my mixes lately. Definitely will play around with that some more. I'll see what I can do about the guitars as well. the guitar tone the guitarist preferred was naturally kind of thin sounding, plus the song is in standard E tuning, but I'll put some more time into it. Thanks a lot for the feedback!!!
Honestly, your mix sounds fine. All in all the instruments all sit nicely balanced. I wouldn't worry too much about what people say regarding your mix. It's always the same kind of comments on here. One person says the snare is too dry another will say they don't like so much reverb on your snare. The guitars are thin, the guitars are thick. The bass needs more punch...vocals could do with a 1db drop and boost at 8khz etc etc....don't tinker with a good mix based on someone's subjective opinion on the ear candy. I am not saying people's comments are not valid or helpful but unless your mix totally sucks balls there's always a plethora of contradicting opinions.
I see your point. I do like the subjective feedback because it gets me to try some things that maybe I wouldn't have. but I guess if there doesn't seem to be anyone pointing out obvious mixing flaws I should leave the subjective tweaking to the feedback I receive from the band when I send it to them to review. Thanks for listening to my mix and providing feedback.