how fucking sweet is the clean/crunch channel of the Bogner Marshall???

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
I'm usually using the high gain channel of my Bogner modded JCM800, IMO it's the best amp I ever had for leads...both screaming and liquid.

I never really used the clean channel for anything, cause when I'm looking for clean I usually gravitate towards the Earforce, I don't know why I never tried the clean channel of the Bogner/Marshall with the gain higher....oh my fucking god, that channel oozes sweet sweet tone.

here's a little example...not really "playing", just hitting some more or less random notes.
I used the neck pickup for this with the tone rolled down a bit.
Settings on the amp were:
master: 2 (imagine how awesome this would sound with the master up high!)
preamp: 7

Cab was the Mesa Recto with a single sm57 in front (I should have used the ribbon for this, but that would have been too much OMFG and I would have eargasm'd before I could have hit record)

I had the MXR Carbon Copy in the loop for this and a tiny bit of almost clean od820 in front of the amp.

ESP Eclipse EMG85

Fender Strat EMG SA (Luke)

now imagine I would have used passive pickups, a Marshall greenback cab and a ribbon mic, the tone would have been 5 times better....and I'm loving this already.
now imagine I would have used passive pickups, a Marshall greenback cab and a ribbon mic, the tone would have been 5 times better....and I'm loving this already.

yeah that must sound pretty epic

but do you also have bands in the studio that could use that?^^
Or maybe for a Rarefaction song?