How Geeked are you about the Ripper?

Jon will never let him write. I bet you Ripper will sing only on this album. I heard an interview where Ripper was saying he's got a manager working on his solo stuff. Jon's not going to want to take Ripper on full time if he can't commit full time. Who knows if Ripper will even tour with them...
Psychonaut said:
Jon will never let him write. I bet you Ripper will sing only on this album. I heard an interview where Ripper was saying he's got a manager working on his solo stuff. Jon's not going to want to take Ripper on full time if he can't commit full time. Who knows if Ripper will even tour with them...

I think Ripper wants to be part of a band. I can understand where you're coming from, because Jon is a control freak & he will sink or swim with Iced Earth. It wouldn't be good for him or the band to have Ripper Guest on the new disc & not have him be a permanent part of the band & tour. I hope it works out. This would be great for both Ripper & for Iced Earth.
Ripper said in an interview that he just wants to tour. He was tired of sitting around for 6 years between albums doing nothing. Think about it, since Ripper joined Priest, they put out only 2 studio albums in 6 years. When Rob was in Priest, they put out almost one album a year.
I think this will be permanent and I think it is great. I heard the three samples that Iced Earth has on their home page with Ripper and they sound amazing. Can't wait for the album.
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TheGraveDigger said:
I think this will be permanent and I think it is great. I heard the three samples that Iced Earth has on their home page with Ripper and they sound amazing. Can't wait for the album.

Absolutly I couldnt agree with you more, The Glorious Burden is now the most anticipated album of 2003 IMO I tottaly cant wait to hear it "The Reckoning" is fukin amazing All Hail the new era of Iced Earth
Psychonaut said:
Jon will never let him write. I bet you Ripper will sing only on this album. I heard an interview where Ripper was saying he's got a manager working on his solo stuff. Jon's not going to want to take Ripper on full time if he can't commit full time. Who knows if Ripper will even tour with them...

Ripper definately had no writing input on this album...before he signed on, every song was written and I believe that everything was recorded except for the vocal tracks.
i cant wait for this album to come out. whether ripper stays or not isn't a big deal to me, because it just shows that jon's able to pick just about anyone he wants to sing for him if ripper wasn't even out of priest when it was recorded. iced earth have come a long way in terms of popularity.
AngelWitch73 said:
I was a bit apprehensive about it but since hearing some MP3s from the ICED EARTH website I am quite sure I´ll be picking this album up when it comes out.
Same for me, I thought Ripper couldn't fit in IE but I was wrong, now I'm looking forward to another masterpiece :)
I'm pretty sure his vocals will be much better than on the last Priest albums...