How goes the search for the new singer?


Queer Old Man
Jan 12, 2002
Calgary, AB, Canada
I guess i could check the site and see, but these forums need more action. So, how is it going guys? I'm eager for more Haji... i've got the forst 2 albums, and loved the couple demo tunes and ones for the DBZ thing. I used to always tell everyone, if you wanted nu metal, Haji is nearly the only band who does it right (i know, labeling the band as nu metal is kinda unfair, but it's the closest comparison i use, sorry if it offends anyone :p)

keep rockin guys, and fill me in on the new singer if there's been any development.
Well, it's always nice to be needed!

I just wish I had better news for you guys.

Even if we found the right singer, we don't have time for the project at this particular point. (never say "never" tho, ya know?)

Reminder: This forum will be closing at the end of the current billing cycle, with the Haji myspace page being the replacement.

damn it so hard to just sing as a hobby and also earn money at the same also get time for family...yeah? ....

its so sad to hear that. :(
Come on guyz don't let a little misfortune take you down....You can see some guyz here are very fond of your're their daily're almost their family...I'm sure there is a way to continue the band and support your personal private lives as well...You can quit playing live (or play very few lives per year) and become a studio band...Do it for those guyz...Your fans :Smokin:
Just be a studio band? That can work if you're Steely Dan and your following is big enough to push your discs to platinum status without any touring promotion; but let's face the facts... Haji is no Steely Dan. Our following *is* worldwide like theirs, but for us it's almost always small pockets of either musician shredders or DBZ fans.. (as opposed to SD's multitudes & legions of ravenous general public fans willing to throw down $15 for their discs sight-unseen & notes-unheard).

For us, self financing a disc for release only over CD Baby would surely result in major financial loss without the ability to, at the very least regionally, tour to promote & sell discs at shows.

All this is beside the even bigger fact that the reason to write & record stuff like this is so you get to go play live! *Especially* for us guys in Haji... that's always been the best part for us. To have a great cd full of material is cool, but to not be able to go play live.. have that improvisational interaction between the band members.. get that instantaneous feedback from the crowd.. frankly? It's depressing, and it blows.

Now.. this isn't to say we don't love & appreciate you guys, because we do. We're just not willing to go (even further) into debt for you.. :erk:

But, you never know... maybe Devin Townsend will finally call us back & want to sing at a time when Rob, Eddie & I all have a big fat hole in our schedule, and a few spare $$ in our pockets! :rock:
Now.. this isn't to say we don't love & appreciate you guys, because we do. We're just not willing to go (even further) into debt for you.. :erk:
I understand Derek.....thanks. Anyway the memory of Haji wont die ever... :)
cheers and good luck on your future endeavors mate. :kickass:
DerekB, is Somsara having a CD release party at the Curtain Club in September?

If so, how much are the tickets?

BTW, I am PAtrick C on MySpace.