How is everybody?


Female Rocker


Good morning everybody! Long time again, I was here ;-) We have a new homepage, if you like, come over for a visit! (also some Saxon live Photos to see). Love from the Masons, Lony & the boys ;-)

HI Jil,
Yeah long time for me to.
Been busy of late as well. about to change jobs again. A bit quieter job which should hopefully leave me time to visit this site more often.
So how goes things?
I'll visit your website anyhow and maybe send youan e-mail.

How is everyone else as well.
Nige T you going to Blaze in London??
(I'm doing Cambs and London)

Nomad you at the Blaze gig in London as well? See you there if you are.

Goes the same for anyone else on this site who is going to Blaze's London gig, catch you there (come over and say hi, i'll have me leather on, Saxon logo on it).