Hello to everybody from Jil (Female Rocker) !!! :)


Female Rocker


I am so sorry it took so long to come back to this messageboard!!! @ PETER: we received your letter with the photos, THANK YOU SOOO MUCH, that was really great! Will write you back soon, promised!!!

We had a really "wild" time the last few weeks. Did lot's of decorating and we got a new (used) kitchen which we had to fit in (had to change and rebuild lots of the cupboards which was quiet a bit of work)...and then in the middle of it all, our old Ford Scorpio broke down. Alan was lying under the car ;) whenever he had some time to repair it. We also had it in the garage and after paying another 400,-DM they found out, that it would be better to scrap it! It just wasn't worth to put more money into it. So we also had to look for another car.
And then I started a new job....

But now, it's all getting relaxed and we find some time for the nice things in life. And - YES - the Saxon tour has started!!! @ TINA: wir werden wohl diesmal (leider) eher nicht in Eure Richtung kommen, sondern nur 3 Konzerte mitmachen, Koeln, Bochum u. eins in Holland. Wobei ich noch nichtmal weiss, ob ich ueberhaupt eins sehen werde, da ich wohl arbeiten muss. Alan wird aber auf jeden Fall dort sein. Welche wollt Ihr Euch denn anschauen?

Should we meet this sunday, usual time in the chat? I didn't make it last sunday, I was partying my birthday ;-)))) Would be great to hear the latest news and concert reports!!!! Love from Jil & the boys!!!!!!

Hi Jill and Andy,
Glad you got the photos. Yeah i should be on for this sunday, normal time around about 8pm British time.
I was a bit late last time. opps! Ha!
Can't wait for Saxon tomorrow, listening to new album now...Deeds of Glory just came on cool.
Catch you on Sunday

Hey Jill !!!!!!

Schön dich wieder zu sehen!!!!
Na, da habt ihr ja ne Menge um die Ohren gehabt, was?! Wenn, dann kommt immer alles auf einmal, ist bei uns auch so!!!!

Das neue Album ist geil, was!!!?

Wir werden wohl nach HH fahren...oder Hannover, mal sehen!!! Schade, das wir uns nicht treffen!!!

Mal sehen, ob wir morgen abend Zeit haben für den Chat, ich hoffe es!!!!

Bis dann !!! Tina :cool: