How is the side project going?


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2003
I was wondering how Jonas, Rikard, and Henrik's death metal side project was going. Another question is it Death Metal like Cannibal Corpse(which I doubt that's what it we will be like) or is it melodic death metal like Soilwork or In Flames?
I don't know any news about the project
but I heard they're gonna play something like Deicide/Six Feet Under/Cannibal Corpse
Or just: Florida-death-metal
I heard some of the songs while recording our new album, and it's nothing melodic at all really, it's more like a combo of florida death and grind core stuff, it was really cool, Jonas will have to do alot of blastbeats, hehehe
I have heard some, as well...very early 90's Morrisound Studios thing they are going for there....and clearly it is all in good fun. Unsurprisingly, given the musical tastes of Henk and Jonas, there's a bit of Pantera/Machine Head style groove thrown in...and wait till you hear the singer they found!!
Heard some tracks with the vocalist on them earlier this evening....all I can say is wow that guy can scream! I look forward to its completion...should be soon, Jonas and Henrik are devoting all the pre-DVD time they can spare to this!