How is this sounding?

use some kind of Transient Designer on the snare for a better attack.
but overall, this sounds more like a rough demo than a mix, man :/

Yeah I'm still pretty crappy at this. Here is my setup

ESP M-1000 (2 EMG 81's) into a TS-9, into a Decimator pedal, into a a Dual Rectifier Roadster. From The Roadster direct into my profire 2626 into Cubase. On Cubase i'm using Kefir using Redwire impulses (Orange Left, Engl right) with Ozone for eq on the guitars as well as a seperate multiband compressor, and a 3rd compressor thats more so used as a limiter. I used an ESP 5 string bass (can't remember model) going into a presonus tube preamp into the profire with kefir and a SM57B impulse. The drums i'm using Superior Drummer Metal Asylum with Ozone for eq on the individual parts of of the kit. My process has been recording guitars then exporting as a wave to save cpu and importing the guitar wav file and mixing the drums with it. Then I throw Ozone on the master buss to master the mix.

Any suggestions to doctor this?

Thanks very much for any and all input.
well, if you can, try to avoid Ozone.
If you're actually using it for JUST EQ as you say, and not using their presets or something, you're just using A LOT of extra cpu.
but if you're using their presets, it might be what is holding you back.

As for impulses, i say give catherasis' impulses(idk how to spell it) a try. Just search "impulses" on these forums, im sure you'll find his set.
Personally, my most used impulse is S-pres_high. Because as gareth said, if you cant get a good tone out of that, then there's something wrong. haha

For drums, try different settings. They dont seem to be really working with the type of music, and is making the mix sound worse, as well.
I'd try to find a snare with more body, and less snap than the one you've chosen. And your drums sound like they're on single samples or something.

For guitars, you dont really need that much going on.
I have;
TS -> Gate (depends on the music, lately i dont use it as much) -> Amp -> Kefir -> EQ.
From my experience, i dont really like compressing distorted guitars. And i usually keep EQ boosts under 2db, and i barely use cuts.
For bass, i put the track in the project 2 times. i have 1 bass track for the low end being slammed down to a specific level, then i mix around it.
while the high end i run through a highpass untill it's just the clank then i run it through some sort of amp (usually high gain to bring out the clank, lows = 0. mids = 7. highs = 10.). usually thats turned down around 15-30db so it's not ALL you hear the whole mix.

For masters i use a Saturator (barely, but its there), Compressor on 2:1 with a .1 attack. usually the compressor only compresses around 1-3db. and then i use makeup gain to bring the mix CLOSE to 0, but not above it, then i use a limiter to keep the mix around those levels. (usually a threshold of -5ish, and a output level of -.3)

That's just my approach on things, and I've never typed one of these out, so this might be completely useless to you, or it might help you in the right direction of mixing.

Try this and see how it sounds, ill give it a listen and be of assistance if you want :D
well, if you can, try to avoid Ozone.
If you're actually using it for JUST EQ as you say, and not using their presets or something, you're just using A LOT of extra cpu.
but if you're using their presets, it might be what is holding you back.

As for impulses, i say give catherasis' impulses(idk how to spell it) a try. Just search "impulses" on these forums, im sure you'll find his set.
Personally, my most used impulse is S-pres_high. Because as gareth said, if you cant get a good tone out of that, then there's something wrong. haha

For drums, try different settings. They dont seem to be really working with the type of music, and is making the mix sound worse, as well.
I'd try to find a snare with more body, and less snap than the one you've chosen. And your drums sound like they're on single samples or something.

For guitars, you dont really need that much going on.
I have;
TS -> Gate (depends on the music, lately i dont use it as much) -> Amp -> Kefir -> EQ.
From my experience, i dont really like compressing distorted guitars. And i usually keep EQ boosts under 2db, and i barely use cuts.
For bass, i put the track in the project 2 times. i have 1 bass track for the low end being slammed down to a specific level, then i mix around it.
while the high end i run through a highpass untill it's just the clank then i run it through some sort of amp (usually high gain to bring out the clank, lows = 0. mids = 7. highs = 10.). usually thats turned down around 15-30db so it's not ALL you hear the whole mix.

For masters i use a Saturator (barely, but its there), Compressor on 2:1 with a .1 attack. usually the compressor only compresses around 1-3db. and then i use makeup gain to bring the mix CLOSE to 0, but not above it, then i use a limiter to keep the mix around those levels. (usually a threshold of -5ish, and a output level of -.3)

That's just my approach on things, and I've never typed one of these out, so this might be completely useless to you, or it might help you in the right direction of mixing.

Try this and see how it sounds, ill give it a listen and be of assistance if you want :D

Thanks very much for all of that. I really appreciate it. I'm not using ozone presets, but i've heard of people around here saying they aren't fond of it's coloring. I'll try your approach when I get off work and will post an update. Meanwhile if anyone is still interested in throwing more feedback I'm very much so open. I know alot of people do things alot differently around here.

Thanks again for the feedback!