How long does it take to mix an album?

Sep 12, 2005
Richmond, VA
This is a pretty broad question.. but I'm just wondering from you guys' experiences how long it typically takes to mix a full length album. My band recorded our 9 track CD a couple months ago and we're returning to the studio this week to finish it.. but we only have 2 days available. It's about 50 minutes of music. We've never been involved in the mixing of an album so we have no idea if 2 days will be long enough.. and I'm sure there's no way to get a real answer, but I was just wondering if you guys had any experience with this. Thanks.
I mixed my own electronic debut album in 8 days (10 tracks). That was quicker than I thought. For the 2nd record I am planning a day per track.

When I was doing demos in the 90s with Tascam DA88s, I would record everything with the same sound on the same tracks, so the FX and EQ for drums would remain the same, bass and guitars, too. So all I had to do during mixing was ride the faders a bit. That way it was possible to mix a whole 10 song demo in 2 days. It all depends on the music, but I'd rather have a lot of time now that the mix options are greater for me.
I hear Andy leaves at least one day for each song. I don't have a good answer since I haven't mixed much more then my own stuff which is kind of neverending sometimes.
9 songs in two days... i would want at least 2 weeks to mix anything that was 9 songs/50 minutes +. also depends though on if it's fully edited already or not. i would hope, if you already tracked everything, that the drums had any necessary editing done prior to adding anythying else. be honest...2 days, no. Usually you would spend a day mixing each song, and that's just basic. especially if its full on technical metal..and then more time for mixing the songs together so they have a 'feel'..and then of course mastering.
James Murphy said:
9 songs in two days... i would want at least 2 weeks to mix anything that was 9 songs/50 minutes +. also depends though on if it's fully edited already or not. i would hope, if you already tracked everything, that the drums had any necessary editing done prior to adding anythying else.

Yeah, it's all tracked and edited.. it's just been sitting around for months and this is the only time we can snag at the studio right now since they're so busy. Our producer told me he usually gets things done within 3 days.. so maybe if we pull a couple all nighters it'll be alright.. if not we'll have to wait until September to get this thing done. :erk: Thanks for the replies.
I spend about a day and a half on each song. The next morning your ears are fresh, and you can fine tune the previous day's ear spanking. I always find one song that just stands out and sounds "best", after I have mixed all the tracks, and I usually use that song as the pattern for the rest of the tracks. I'll go back, and use my "best" track as a reference. I would never let anything go out the door that I didn't spend the proper amount of time listening to!
about a song a day for most stuff that i really like or believe in. mabey two-three songs a day for demo stuff or super cheap bands(unfortunatley there are too many). i try to really get bands to understand how much work and how long it really takes to mix a song. ill get them to come by and sit in if they are in doubt and after about 2min. they are bored to tears:lol: . then at the end of the day(if they stay that long) they usually understand and leave me to do my thing for the rest of the songs.
I spend 1-2 days per song, but that does include some editing. I will do all of the major edits before mixing, but some minor tweaks always seem to be necessary when mixing.

Also, it will depend a bit on the type of band. A power trio with one lead guitar solo per song is going to mix a lot more quickly than a metal band with multiple guitar over dub layers and harmonized vocals.
unsilpauly said:
about a song a day for most stuff that i really like or believe in. mabey two-three songs a day for demo stuff or super cheap bands(unfortunatley there are too many). i try to really get bands to understand how much work and how long it really takes to mix a song. ill get them to come by and sit in if they are in doubt and after about 2min. they are bored to tears:lol: . then at the end of the day(if they stay that long) they usually understand and leave me to do my thing for the rest of the songs.

LOL!!! I've seen that "movie" toooo much times!!!

After editing I normally take 1/2 days for mixing each song, but it depends on how many tracks and instruments I must deal with
It depends on the mixer...

I usually take 12-14 hours on average for most stuff, but I've heard that TLA can crank out 2-3 a day.

I did mix an entire record of a San Diego band once in two days...then the record won best album at the San Diego Music Awards.