How long have you all been mixing/producing/mastering?

first own demo '84 (4track casette-deck)
first time in studio '86
first time producing '89
first time knowing what i'm doing... still not happening.. ;-))
I'm feeling old too....
Since the age of 10 when I first starting using a tape machine and a stereo to do multi tracking - needless to say i got a better sound out of that than i can out of most of todays new fangled rubbish.
About 5 years in one form or another :)

Did a two year course to learn the solid foundations between the ages of 16 - 18, then have since been learning from forums like this!
I've always been into producing things, but time, space and equipment restrictions never allowed me to get deeper into things. I'm pretty much confined by my own room and do it all ITB. I've been doing and learning this stuff for about 4 years and I've got loads to learn yet to do a recording I'd be really satisfied with...
First time in a recording studio: '89
First time producing: '95
First time engineering: '00
First time working on other people's stuff: '01
First time mastering my own stuff: not yet, I still like to send it out to someone else...
First time in a recording studio: '90
Second time in a recording studio: '91
Third time in a recording studio:'93
First time recording my own shit: '03
First time I got laid: Oops, wrong forum....
Produced and engineered my first professional recording in '95. Didn't do any mastering until 2001.
first time - recording my band:1978 (16 track recording studio)
first time recording my own stuff: 1979 (4-track tascam)
first time recording other bands: 1983 (2" 24-track recorder - I bought from a priest who had build the recorder himself.
First time making a living out of it 1993 - ?????

Compared to you guys I must 150 years old!!!!

Viva la metal
LynchpiN said:
Ok, I've been playing with tape decks since I was twelve.

Yeah, those were my first "recording" experiences as well... :Smug:
I'd get a cheapo synth and "play drums" on them, then record my guitar over those horrible drums while one cassette was recording to another. And may I add, I had no distortion pedal, it was coming from me plugging the guitar into mic input and overdriving it. Jesus! :lol:
I started recording in 1998 on a 4 tracks Tascam, switched to 8 tracks digital in 2000 and I started using ProTools LE in 2003.

Always recorded my and my bands' stuff.

Never produced something by others but I can get decent results on my things.

SickBoy said:
And may I add, I had no distortion pedal, it was coming from me plugging the guitar into mic input and overdriving it. Jesus! :lol:

Lol, what about an old mixer with a "gain" knob on the channels, until saturation? :flame:

Bob Rock would be proud of us.
Not quite two years, but everything I did until maybe last August has been fairly horrible. Took me a long time to learn even the most basic of the basic and honestly I still feel like a total newb at it.