How loud do you mix?

Brett - K A L I S I A

Dreaded Moderator
Feb 26, 2004
Just curious, how loud to you guys listen to music when you're mixing?

I have downloaded Ultimate Ears free app for iPhone, it includes a sound pressure level (SPL) meter. Probably not the most accurate ever but good enough already I guess, I'm usually working around 70+ dB. What about you?
I always turn it up and down a lot, I find at different levels I hear different things. I find it useful as a way to find a different way of hearing it, a different perspective if you like.
I always turn it up and down a lot, I find at different levels I hear different things. I find it useful as a way to find a different way of hearing it, a different perspective if you like.


Probably generally too loud though, I wish I had a mic to check (iPod touch doesn't have a mic so the app doesn't work ><). I get excited when it starts sounding good and turn it up so it sounds better.. then leave it there >.>
If I'm mixing and I think it sounds awesome up loud, I turn it right down so if it loses impact and power. Then I listen to see if it's still ok and interesting.
Never measured, but pretty quiet; I turn it louder occasionally for checking, but then turn it back down. I just find I get best results and my mixes translate better that way. Judging by the way our ear works on different levels of loudness I guess it's "bad" to do it like that (as in the "inner eq" of our ears is not ideal at those levels), but it's what works for me so who cares really.
Just curious, how loud to you guys listen to music when you're mixing?
I don't mix much, but work at moderately loud levels (maybe around 90 dB - never for extended periods - never measured) for mastering. Everything is checked at ULTRA loud levels (pushing air) and ULTRA quiet levels and mostly everything in between, because if it doesn't stand up at all levels...

"They" say that around 83 - 85 dB according to the Fletcher-Munson curve is ideal for monitoring levels ... I put two marks on my monitor control that I go by and that work for me. I also check every mix that comes in at ultra high and really all levels to hear where and why it falls apart. A/B'ing through the process, basically changing levels quite a bit. Moderate sized room - One set of speakers I trust that are 12 feet from the listening position.
Is there any program to measure SPL in the computer with for say a microphone in realtime?? Im quite curious to see how loud i mix / Cheers7
ps. I dont have a Iphone ;) ds.
Usually start at a fairly moderate level to get the groundwork in place, and then turn it up stupid loud, like pushing a fuck load of air loud and work like a maniac to get the rest of the mix down.
Really quiet level for me most of time (as you can ear computer fan noise) but of course I also check my mix to different level. Work for me...