How loud do you mix?

Just got that free iPhone app. Apparently I never listen to music or mix louder than 69 dB haha

Not surprising. I tend to think things are louder than other people do.
Yeah this is the "back from the dead" thread apparently :)
Glad to see all those familiar "faces" here, didn't post or read for a while it's true but I've been pretty busy touring (doing FOH for Devin Townsend and Cynic on their US tours and worked with Sacred Reich as well), playing (with my band we did Hellfest festival) and working mixing bands lately.

Back on topic I have downloaded Studio Six Digital's SPL meter and it gives me the same results as the UE free app. Anything above 75/80 dB A weighted seems extremely loud to me too.
like waltz said, "conventional wisdom" seems to say 85db or so...which without a decibel meter handy, is just loud enough to be able to clearly hear someone talking next to you

i usually mix quite a bit lower than that. can't give you a #, but probably 65-70db most of the time in order to prevent ear fatigue. then, when i think the mix is about done, i'll turn it up as loud as i can do w/o the monitors clipping.
Just to point out, any number quoted without weighting and speed is worse than vague. E.g. a 5 minute LAeq might read 95dB, but the fast C weighting could be well in excess of 110dB

An average reading (LAeq) over a couple of minutes would be much the most representative.

As an aside: equal loudness contours are not valid as a measure of the frequency linearity of hearing unless you exclusively listen to sine waves, one frequency at time. The auditory system is VERY non-linear. Basically, the whole 85dB being the most linear is bullshit and has been known to be so since the 1960s
I mix music at the volume I usually listen to music at. About conversation level. The audio kit on my iphone has an SPL meter and reads around 70-73 dbA at my normal volume. Of course I turn it up louder for a few seconds to see how the low end responds, and also turn it way low to check as well.

I can't mix or monitor very loud or else my tinnitus starts to flare up. I keep VERY close watch on my volume levels.