How many gigabytes of metal do you have?

kilo = 1,000
mega = 1,000,000
giga = 1,000,000,000

How does that not make sense? The only part of that doesn't make perfect sense is that a gigabyte is actually 2^30 = 1,073,741,824 bytes rather than being exactly one billion bytes. But that is due to computer architecture being built around a binary system where address spaces are always limited to a number expressable as a power of 2.

So it actually makes perfect sense. If you think "giga" is a stupid word then you can blame the Greek for that I believe. I only think it's stupid when people pronounce it as "jigga byte" because that reminds me of Jay-Z.

It turns me on when you talk about computers.

I don't really know how to find out how many gigabytes I have. I just went to my download folder and right clicked "properties". Is that correct?
about 35ish GB.

Which is only around 7800 songs (not all metal either). I know many users on here have much much more than I do. I am relatively slow at keeping up with all the good stuff out there.
thirty fivish:) I dunno, I only have about 1200 files shared on soulseek and am plannning to rip many other albums to the PC. But my hardrive is wee-only 80GB, need to buy a bigger one
I use iTunes for most all my listening any more. I migrated from Musicmatch/Winamp/Media player. iTunes runs the smoothest, hogs less memory than most, and lets me keep track of my podcasts, online radio links etc.
Try this.

ml_ipod works just fine if you're a Winamp user. Never had a single problem with it.
I used ml_ipod for about a month a while ago, until I suddenly had about 10 entries for Katatonia on my ipod, and everything after Katatonia invisible.

Also my sorted music collection (all my 500+ CDs rippped + whatever I have downloaded and tagged and considered to be something I want to keep) is about 84 gigs.
Same. My entire music collection is tagged, renamed to the following format:

Music\Genre\Subgenre\Artist\(year) Album\Artist - Track# - Title.mp3

Every track has both its lyrics and cover-art added as ID3 tags.
heck, i cannot tell with total accuracy. my prediction would be around 100GB. a lot of it my own personal collection, with a lesser percentage of downloaded stuff. however, since my college days, the downloading has gone a little crazy. damn people for having so many things i want!

actually, i fucking love them. Soulseek fucking RULES.
I used ml_ipod for about a month a while ago, until I suddenly had about 10 entries for Katatonia on my ipod, and everything after Katatonia invisible.

Odd. Maybe you got unlucky and ended up with a bugged version? I have been using it for years (and usually take ages to update to a new version so I miss loads of in-between versions) and I have never had a problem with it.

Same. My entire music collection is tagged, renamed to the following format:

Music\Genre\Subgenre\Artist\(year) Album\Artist - Track# - Title.mp3

Every track has both its lyrics and cover-art added as ID3 tags.

Good to see someone else who actually bothers to sort their music collection properly. I seriously almost never come across anyone on DC who has a collection as tidy as mine. Always loads of people with badly named files, poorly tagged files, broken/glitched mp3's, etc. I just have some obsessive compulsive need to sort it apparently (other than my music collection most of my stuff is pretty chaotic though, pretty sure I don't have OCD!).

I use...

Band\Artist - Album - Track# - Title.mp3

... myself (don't really like to have too many sub-directories) and then tag them properly with release year and everything (no cover art yet, though I would like to do that at some point). And I create a playlist for every album, which I drop into the root of my music drive so any given album is only a few clicks away.
... I create a playlist for every album, which I drop into the root of my music drive so any given album is only a few clicks away.
Exactly the same. All m3u playlists are renamed as Genre - Artist - Album.m3u on the root of my music drive.

Good to see someone else who actually bothers to sort their music collection properly. I seriously almost never come across anyone on DC who has a collection as tidy as mine.
Mine is organized by genre with separate folders for each artist, with albums underneath that with the year the album was released in parentheses.
Sorry, it's great to read how many mp3's folks have. I might get my calculator out later and add them all together...METAL!!!