How many guitars?


Nov 2, 2005
Whilst not leaping about wildly in Wolverhampton the other night (OK, OK, so maybe I'm past that, perhaps I did nod my head quite vigorously), I began to think about Paul Quinn's guitars. Just how many guitars do you think this man has owned? Every time I see him, he seems to have different ones, does he keep them all or what? He must have more guitars than Nigel Tufnell!!!! What I would love to see, if he does keep them all, is a pic of them all together in a room, kinda like one of Yngwie I saw a few years back. Anyone creepy enough to be able to list the ones he's used out and about so far?
umm... yeah! He had Firebird and and... and Stratocaster.... that makes two already :)
I'm not really a guitar collector myself and hopefuly I never will be. Flying V and Scepter V (or similiar guitar being custom made for me) would be plenty enough. I already have Flying V and it should be enough for years. I also have squier, but I only saved it because I wouldn't get enough money from it anyway, only 30% or something.

I think that if Paul has every time a new guitar, then he must be selling them after he has used them for a while, just a guess though.
Hmm, white SG. Can't forget that! Hah, I think he bought that Firebird only because it had Saxon-like eagle in the pickguard :lol: