How many of you people hate that guy on those six flag comercials

GreatPhoenix said:
I don't think anyone here truly believes that's an elderly man dancing on that commercial, so I doubt you need to be so adamant about getting that across.
You might be surprised..this isn't the only place where I've seen people astounded when told that he's not actually an old man.. :lol:
Seraphim Belial said:
i want to throw a fucking brick at his head.
he also scares the hell out of my girlfriend . . . . damn him!!!
Hahaha he freaks out my girlfriend too. Then again... he kinda scares me a bit as well. Watching one of those Six Flags commercials is definitely some high potential nightmare fuel. They need to just... go... away.
yeah i could do without that six flags guy. i went to six flags last month and i kept hearing that damn music from the commercial. disheartening i tell ya.