how many of you use ebay to buy equipment

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
i just started a ebay account that is linked to my paypal and im seeing some really great deals. There is a FP10 on their going for 195 and i was just wondering, how many of you use ebay as a main resource for purchasing equipment? I really dont care if something is new or used, just as long as everything works.
'tis the only way to go if you is po' as fuk or a great way to save cash and get great deals, tons of honest sellers out there.

check their feedback percentage and how many items they have sold and youll be golden:kickass:
check their feedback percentage and how many items they have sold and youll be golden:kickass:

ohh yeah i forgot to mention something about that. It's definitely important to not be a complete retard when buying stuff on ebay. that's really the only reason i haven't been screwed in the last 6 years. It's pretty easy to tell the shady people from the legit sellers
Never had any problems, even tho I have not bought anything on ebay for a while.. but if you do some research on the seller before buying you should be okay.
just remember on ebay, If it sounds too good to be true ... it probably is.
I've done lots of buying and selling on eBay, it's been fine. The only time I was ever scammed was for $7 for a PS1 game that never shipped, that was years ago and I got my money eventually back.
Been using ebay for years - never a problem aside from having to remind a few buyers to leave feedback. Just make sure you check out the persons feedback - read though a bunch of it - look for the negative feedback and see what it was for, if they responded, if it was corrected... ebay is a great way to get a good deal if you are willing to dig deep, compare prices, and making sure you are getting a good deal by knowing what others have paid. Watch price trends of products you know you might be interested in.
Equipemt-wise i've bought quite a few things, it was very beneficial when i was able to get $2 to the £1

I've bought an Ibanez and ESP Ltd bass, an Ltd M-350 and 3 EMG pickups along with a Shure SM7b mic

i should soon be purchasing a set of EMG 40DCs from there soon
I use Ebay for any other than audio material, but as you said there are great deals especially if you live in Europe and the seller is in US, but im still a bit afraid to buy.
in the last few months i've gotten... a digimax, clips, stands, cables, dvi-hdmi adapter, an akg c1000, my multicore cable snake, ahm...camcorder stuff, a beefy ass video card that ended up arriving dead and the dude refunded me, uhm... tonsa shit. i've sold alot too. haven't had a problem selling yet.
i've purchased numerous pieces of gear on ebay, and never had any issues

never sold anything on there though - the damned fees are way too high!
I usually buy stuff there but sometimes on online forums you can find better deals and the seller doesn't lose out on the ebay fees.

Right now it's a buyer's market for sure, you find a lot of good deals. I remember a couple years ago things on ebay would sell for more than what they were worth, nowadays it's usually below value.