Interesting. It seems like for everyone else in this thread, once they started going to PPUSA, they continued to attend every year unless external factors got in the way. I assume that is due to the die-hard fan vibe here on the forum.

That, and those who had dropped off aren't likely to be on this forum. There are plenty of people I knew who haven't been to a ProgPower in years.
Wow! Even when you count Glenn, you can still count the number of people who have attended every installment of ProgPower USA on one hand. Of course, that's only taking into account those who have actually responded in this thread. However, I'll bet that the total number can still only be counted on two hands, tops. The number of attendees at that first fest was certainly small compared to what the fest draws now, but then again, the original venue was easily a quarter of the size of Center Stage. At any rate, I've said it before, and I'll say it again: as long as this festival is in existence, you can count me in!

Stay metal. Never rust.
All 15 for me, but only had a gold badge (or VIP) for 13 of them. I fell off the gold badge list temporarily because I thought I wasn't going to be able to make it to IV. Perfect attendance though!

You sure about that? :goggly:

10 for me. Didn't know about I & II. Didn't go to IV because all the German power metal from III turned me off. It was a mistake because SX, Evergrey, Vanden Plas, and Redemption were there. Skipped XI because the line-up did not appeal to me at all (would've liked to have seen Seventh Wonder though). The one that kills me to this day is VIII which I only missed due to back surgery #1. That was a great line-up. :(
A lucky 13 in a row.

I found out about PP during the great PP Big Bang**, (otherwise known as PPIII, the band announcement heard around the world). My wife sent me as a birthday present. It was a one time thing, because I really don't travel for fests.

PPIV was a decision based on bands. I figured I'd go one more time, maybe play it by ear after that.

After that, I was hooked. I saw the light. I drank the Kool Aid. I got a gold badge for PPV, and haven't looked back. Glenn has my support and my GB money every year, regardless of the lineup.

Glenn likes round numbers and momentous anniversaries. Since he didn't end it for XV, I now expect to hit 23 in a row, with PPXXV perhaps being the last one. Unless it sells out quickly.

Steve in Philly

** Yes, Big Bang. All scientific evidence points to PPIII being a musical big bang. Please don't start any illogical music creationists arguments. It was a PP Big Bang. Any thing else would just be silly.
This year was my third. I was one of the lucky ones to get on the gold badge list for last year. I knew about the fest for 3 years and would see the lineups go up online and feel jealous, but having gone to my first PPUSA I can never go back to missing it. Best festival ever.
The more interesting question to me is: What performer has performed the most complete main stage sets?

Alex Beyrodt has been to three: (Primal Fear, Voodoo Circle, and Silent Force). Obviously, there are bands that have been here three times.
I'm pretty sure that there was a german bassist who has played for at least three, maybe four of Primal Fear/Iron Savior/Blind Guardian/Savage Circus, but that name is eluding me.

Anyone know for sure?
The more interesting question to me is: What performer has performed the most complete main stage sets?

Alex Beyrodt has been to three: (Primal Fear, Voodoo Circle, and Silent Force). Obviously, there are bands that have been here three times.
I'm pretty sure that there was a german bassist who has played for at least three, maybe four of Primal Fear/Iron Savior/Blind Guardian/Savage Circus, but that name is eluding me.

Anyone know for sure?

Check the PP trivia thread! The answer lies within..:Smokedev:
I've been to 8 and have been aware of 11 and I consider these experiences among the most important in my life. It's cool to see how many people have been to all of them.
I've been to the last five.

My top 5 performances from those festivals:
1. Therion (2011)
2. Symphony X (2012)
3. Pain of Salvation (2014)
4. Voyager (2011)
5. Tarot (2010)
I knew of the fest when I lived in Boston for a few years and really wanted to see Savatage and the Helloween and Gamma Ray tour stop (good thing I caught that in MA). However, studies prevented me from attending, although I could had skipped, but really did not want to fly by myself. Now I would not give a fuck. When I moved to FL I could not pass up seeing Fates Warning, Royal Hunt, Primal Fear, Crimson Glory, Brainstorm, Orphaned Land, Vanden Plas (later replaced for the also great Enchant), so X was my first. My sister, who is not a fan of the genre, came with me, and I met my friends Roy and Dave and since then this is required traveling for me every September. Lucky to be a Gold Badge member since XII!!
I've been coming since 2007 but missed last year XIV. So that would make it 7 total. I've been a gold badge holder since 2010 XI.