I have been to 11 out the last 13. But I have paid for my Gold Badge since PP 3. I have beeen sponsor twice. Planning to be there next year.
I'll 2nd (or is it 3rd?) that. I remember when we were sitting having lunch at Powermad, and Glenn said he could and would do this better. That was a understatement to say the least.

Glenn, you continue to knock it out of the park year after year. Amazing Job bro!

Thanks to you, and the entire PP staff/crew!

I missed that Powermad only because of the craptacular promotion for that I found out litterallty from Virtual Scott Mosher as I was leaving out the front door for my (last because I moved there the following spring)annual trip to Myrtle beach that it would be that weekend

but yeah,went to the last 2 Powermads..the seeds were sewn there,but holy clusterfuck and tire fire wth that festival
Interesting. It seems like for everyone else in this thread, once they started going to PPUSA, they continued to attend every year unless external factors got in the way. I assume that is due to the die-hard fan vibe here on the forum.

Agreed. It would be interesting to see what the diehard vs. casual attendance split is. I suspect the board is made up of mostly diehards, so the split shown here is probably not representative of the overall fest.

For me, I'm there for the music, not the social gathering (though that's fun and all). Each year I can take 2-3 trips with my PTO, so every year I'm weighing whether or not PP makes the cut for that year. I'm comfortable attending every 2-4 years, based on bands I want to see.
Starting coming at VII. Have not missed a single one. So this year's made 9 straight.
2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014.
I missed 2008 for health reasons and 2011 because work wouldn't give me the days off.
Even though I don't like next years lineup as much as past years, as a gold badge holder I must go. Besides, I've started making friends that I must see every year. You, know, the ProgPower lure.
The best lineups I think I ever saw were 2003 with Nightwish headlining and 2014. I'm going to sit here and revisit each year and put together my best memories from each fest. Watching the videos on youtube from this years really brings it all back for me. Pain of Salvation just destroyed! Blind Man from Voodoo Circle was probly my most memorable "guitar god" moment, and Jon Oliva is always an experience filled with so many emotions.
This year was my 7th

I'm pretty sure that there was a german bassist who has played for at least three, maybe four of Primal Fear/Iron Savior/Blind Guardian/Savage Circus, but that name is eluding me.
We call that guy Lightningpants Longbass! He was also with Stormwarrior.