2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014.
I missed 2008 for health reasons and 2011 because work wouldn't give me the days off.
Even though I don't like next years lineup as much as past years, as a gold badge holder I must go. Besides, I've started making friends that I must see every year. You, know, the ProgPower lure.
The best lineups I think I ever saw were 2003 with Nightwish headlining and 2014. I'm going to sit here and revisit each year and put together my best memories from each fest. Watching the videos on youtube from this years really brings it all back for me. Pain of Salvation just destroyed! Blind Man from Voodoo Circle was probly my most memorable "guitar god" moment, and Jon Oliva is always an experience filled with so many emotions.