How many simultaneous Amp sims?


Nov 30, 2009
Lima - Peru
Greetings to all.

I've got a question for you, amp sim experts.
How many simultaneous amp sims do you have normally on a session? I'm asking this because i can't put more than 3 without my computer starting to "overload". Also it is for me impossible to for example quad track without previously "bouncing" one DI track with the amp sim to a single wav file. There fore loosing the ability to play around with the settings while mixing. I'm pretty sure my main problem is my processor (Pentium D 3.4 GHz) it's pretty outdated. But before doing the mayor upgrade I wanted to know how big the difference was going to be. I'm currently using cubase 4 and many of the free ampsims with guitarhacks impulses.


Sorry for my bad english
I'm usually using 5 for guitars and 1 for bass .. so 6 in total.. I'm having a Intel Q6600 and it works fine
Your problem is your CPU. I´m using an Intel Core2Quad Q6600 and I´ve never runned out of processor, even using more than 15 stereo ampsims + impulses at the same time. Never tested how many it can hold before freeze, should be fun.
Using Intel quad 9550 and i usually run about average of 10 amp sims at a time and never had a problem. Dude trust me u will notice a difference so upgrade as soon!
Thanks to fore the replies. So the difference IS pretty big. So next upgrate is going to be an i7.

Thanks again.

Would be interesting to compare the amount of plugins or in this case ampsims every one can put in one session before the overload.

Well before going and buying any better processor. Why not first ask the guys here at the Sneap forum which one they recommend. Any suggestion? I know that probably the most expensive is going to be the best. Also, which one is the latest (Intel, not Amd) that came out?

ERMZ--->> what do you mean by printing via an input fader?
There was just a thread about some of the new i7 processor going on. Check that out.. also whats ur budget? Are u planning on building ur own pc?
What Ermz meant is that he puts the amp sim effect in the input track, so when u record ur recording the amp sim output. So no need to have the vst in each guitar track because the ampsim is already printed.

I can't believe I never thought of that, I just tested it out and it worked. But there would be no way to record the dry DI signal with this method. Or am I wrong?

And as for building my own pc and budget, yes, I’m building my own, but only have to upgrade mother board processor and Ram because my hard drives and GPU are pretty new and good. I'm assuming a budget of 1000 $. Oh and a good ventilation or alternative cooling system that doesn't generates to much noise.
With 1000$ u can pretty much build a monster of a PC. So check out that one thread started by Joey it had a lot of new processors. As for recording 2 tracks one with amp sim and the other dry you can just create 2 audio tracks and a group channel(mono). First track will be the dry DI, and then the output of that track send it to a the group channel and in the group channel apply the amp sim, and impulses, after u can set that channel as an input for that second track u created. Idk if that makes sense but hopes it helps
I only have 2 ghz here. If DFHS is running, and it usually is, I can only run one amp sim with an impulse before having problems. It's fucking geh.

Oh and thats assuming I haven't been adding vocals and shit already. Soft synths are a pipe dream if I haven't printed my guitar tracks.

It makes totally sense! Already tried it out and works perfectly. Don't know why I haven't come to this solution by myself, well you learn something new every day. I'm going to build my pc anyways. I'll check that thread your mentioning.

Thanks to all!

Have you tried setting up a Guitar left and right bus, putting an amp sim / impulse on each and setting the output of your tracks to the bus? That way you still get clean di tracks and free up a lot of cpu! If you dont want to pan hard left / right, set up one stereo bus with the ampsim in stereo mode, and pan the audio tracks before you bus them, thus only needing one. I prefer using two personally so I can tweak the left and right sounds a little to widen the stereo image.
It's much easier than that.

Simply create two mono inputs in VST Connections. Call one 'Guitar DI' and the other 'Guitar Model'.

Now bring up the mixer, and throw your sim chain on the 'Guitar Model' channel. Keep the 'Guitar DI' channel clean.

Every time you do one track of guitar, create two tracks in arrange view, set one's input to Guitar DI and the other's to 'Guitar Model'. Group them, and make sure the 'Guitar DI' one is muted.

If your using the same setting on a few tracks, just buss them and put the sim etc on the buss in stereo. You can get more tracks that way.
Cubase/Nuendo has a Freeze option. Do a Search for it in your User's Manual. It creates a Temp file of the track processed with all it's plugins and uses it instead of the original one, then it unloads those plugins.
Woa Ermz, that really did the trick, didn't know you could create 2 mono input channels with the same "physical" input.
Guess i haven't played enough with the settings of my daw, even if i have been using it for quite a while.

Weird, I'm using a Q6600 at standard clock of 2.4ghz and 3 chokes me up. I'm laying the blame on Cubase SX3. This is what I get for going legit? Fuck you steinberg.