how many times have you seen saxon?

lizzie said:
well? I love this band, I think I lost count around 25 times lol Honest
I think i must of seen them at least 40+ times since 1979,many memorable gigs,and hopefully still many more too come.
Ive seen saxon 20 times in total all the shows in England, My first saxon concert was at sheffield city hall if i remember right on the innocence tour.

My fav saxon concert has to be in london on the Lionheart tour.
First time was at the Rainbow in 1980, but I have lost count! I would say probably 30+ times. The highlight was probably seeing them in Brussels. It almost didn't happen though because I came down with chicken pox a week before the gig! But I'm a soldier don't you know! :lol:

Sammi wants me to say that she has seem them 4 times! Why she couldn't say that herself I don't know!
I've seen them between 10-15 times (alcohol does that to the memory allegedly !) First gig, Manchester Apollo - Friday 6th September 1985 (cost £5.50 !).

I've just framed 7 tickets, Rock the Nations tour programme (Signed By Biff, Nige and Quinny) and Nigel Glocklers drum stick (from the last Astoria gig) and if I say so myself, it looks the nuts.
Paxo said:
"Sammi wants me to say that she has seem them 4 times! Why she couldn't say that herself I don't know!"

Cheers, Paxo, mate!

Come on Sammi - your count ain't going to be taken seriously until you tap it in personally! Just cos Paxo is on the forum all the time doesn't excuse you! Get posting!!

BTW - Valanx: Once! Thanks for the support and honesty, Mate! You are a Diamond Geezer (if that's the phrase?)!!
Paxoman said:
£5.50 a ticket? You were ripped off mate! :lol:

I know mate, I've been saddled with the debt for years now, it wouldn't have been so bad except..................

In 86 @ the same venue it was £6


In 88 @ the same venue it was £6.50 !

Ever feel like you've been had? :D
nightwar said:
Valanx: Once! Thanks for the support and honesty, Mate! You are a Diamond Geezer (if that's the phrase?)!!

Cheers fella! I would of loved to say something like "oh ive seen them like 400 times" or something, but i couldnt do it! I guess in a perfect world we would all get to see every gig!

Ah well this beer goes out to a perfect world!!!
first time on Rock the nations.then not until Unleash the Beast,Metalhead,8 shows on Killing ground(5 in the UK) and 4 shows for Lionheart this past October(in the UK).I may be going to Germany this October to see the nwobhm tour.
Come on Sammi - your count ain't going to be taken seriously until you tap it in personally! Just cos Paxo is on the forum all the time doesn't excuse you! Get posting!!

Ooh, you're SO demanding Nightwar! :D The reason I don't come on anymore is 'cos I'm too busy looking after Paxoman...after all, someone has to bring him cups of tea and bites to eat while he spends hours on here, don't they? :lol: I used to be on here all the time in it's "hey day", but now it's got more than it's fair share of "unsavoury types" (present company excepted, the sensible folk amongst us know who I'm talking about), and I can't be mithered replying to idiots who only come on here to wind the true Saxon fans up!

Anyway, I'll get off my soap box and tell you how many times/where I've seen Saxon! :D

FOUR times - so I am a mere baby to the Saxon scene too! The first time was at Bolton Albert Halls (why on earth they played there is beyond me - there are far better (small) venues in Central Manchester that would have attracted a bigger crowd), then in Brussels, then the very next day at London Astoria, then the Astoria again on the Lionheart Tour! By now, I should have seen them twice more (in Dudley and Nottingham), but of course, Biff had his terrible news, so that was that :(

Is that ok for you Nightwar? Am I forgiven? :lol:
Sam said:
"Ooh, you're SO demanding Nightwar! The reason I don't come on anymore is 'cos I'm too busy looking after Paxoman...after all, someone has to bring him cups of tea and bites to eat while he spends hours on here, don't they? I used to be on here all the time in it's "hey day", but now it's got more than it's fair share of "unsavoury types" (present company excepted, the sensible folk amongst us know who I'm talking about), and I can't be mithered replying to idiots who only come on here to wind the true Saxon fans up!"

Of course you're forgiven, Sam!! And I apologise for not thinking of your situation!

After all, Paxo is getting on a bit now, ain't he? He needs looking after as the old bones don't move as well as they used to and he does need those cups of tea and snacks to keep the old ticker going!!
As mentioned on another thread, the Forum are working on ways to help their elderly Saxon Members. You know - Bus Passes, Meals-On-Wheels, Wheelchair Access to gigs etc...!

Anyhow, thanks for the Gig info - 4 times is 3 better than me!! You are a true Saxonite!

Saxonfan - you must have seen the band in a much different way between gigs. I mean - 'Nations' and then 'Unleash'! And well done for the recent fanatic support you gave Biff and Co for KG and LH! Bloody Hell!!