How many times have you wanted a TS built into an amp?


Grrrr!!! (I'm a bear)
Mar 7, 2009
Well, Ibanez has done just that with it's new TSA. I just saw this one from NAMM and thought it sounded interesting - as to how it sounds, who knows, but it is a tube amp with built in TS circuitry.

how about building it into a guitar... or a lead

I'm sure some ingenious bastard has to have routed out the back of a guitar and built the circuitry into some custom guitar at some time or another.:headbang:
Looks like i just got an idea...i got some no name guitar that a friend gave me a few months gonna try and do the ts mod with it
Surely integrating a tube scream in an amp wouldn't be a difficult thing to do?

Yeah it's quite simple. The only drawback with integrated boosts is that you can't use them for different amps. If you have a bunch of amps you might as well buy a seperate boost.
How many times have you wanted a TS built into an Ibanez amp?
haha +1

More performance based, but still not great sound.
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Haha the blurb on the ibanez site is such bullshit.

"Guitarists normally have to depend on a separate effect pedal to get the distinctive, warm overdrive sounds of a tube amp." urmm ok, i guess they do, if they don't have an actual tube amp............."The new TSA15H Tube Amp has a genuine Tube Screamer circuit, built right into the front end, for all the warm tube overdrive punch and crunch you’ll need" ........ what about the actual, real, tubes in the amp?

Why do ibanez continue to pretend that the tube screamer is a good approximation to a tube amp?

Not slagging the product, but seriously, only a moron would buy it based on what they've said they
Didn't we have an old thread with almost exactly the same topic before? I'm deja vu-ing pretty furiously atm.

As I think I said before, I don't really see the point in having a pedal built-in to an amp.
Wouldn't the tubescreamer take the whole point of a tube amp away? I mean its a solid state pedal, and if you own a valve amp, you want it for the actual valve sound?
Wouldn't the tubescreamer take the whole point of a tube amp away? I mean its a solid state pedal, and if you own a valve amp, you want it for the actual valve sound?

Most of the guys here play tube amps with Tube Screamers on the input - I don't see it as too big of an issue t0 the majority of the tones that I hear here day in and day out. It's an overdrive pedal - it's not like they replaced the preamp with it, they just built the circuitry into the amp prior to the preamp stage.
I am a fan of modularity, so no i wouldn't want a TS in my amp.
I view it the same as buying PC motherboards with audio and gfx chips that i will never use anyway.

And if the builtin TS breaks... fixing the amp wouldn't be as easy as connecting a new normal TS between your guitar and amp.
I'm sure some ingenious bastard has to have routed out the back of a guitar and built the circuitry into some custom guitar at some time or another.:headbang:

It has been done, I saw a review of such a guitar in a Finnish guitar magazine back in 2002 or so. Apparently it's nice for a street guitar player, but not that useful for anything else :lol: It's basically a guitar with a small speaker attached into the body. I think it was even detachable, with a 6.3mm jack input.

And it looks like there's a shitload of other similar ones. Just search for "guitar with built in amp" on google. Image search especially.