How Metalheads and goths are misunderstood really pisses me off

I growl a little when I was with a boy after school in a local while we listened some metal music... after that, I said that I was able to sing with harsh vocals and he said.. wow i will give you $1000 to hear you singing like that!! :lol: that turns some guys on ;)
Rocksane said:
ehh dude... you shouldn't care about that. Say a joke like: yes I killed some cats and I drank their blood yesterday! Wanna try it too?? :zombie: you have a pic of you, just to know of what you look like :lol:?

yeah i agree, people who judge you by the way you look are primitive and you should ignore them. why just today somebody yelled at my and my friend "bats" :lol: but i just find it ridicilous how prejudgemental some people can be.
I hate all this philistines who think they are better then alle the rest and KNOW everything better...they all said: hey you are a satanist!
Only because I wear black and listen to BM...but ALL these ugly, fat old people who are too rich and too good for this world think they know how and who I am and think they can judge above me...
Fuck what people think. I wear a reversed cross necklace so obvisouly people are going to ask me if 'I worship the devil'. I play along and tell them what they want to hear. Sometimes I actually tell them what it means and what I beleive in. I hang out with a bunch of rednecks and they give me shit but it doesn't get to me. I'm not an insecure little bitch who wants people to know who I am. Mature a little and understand the world is very indifferent.
But Im fucked off....and I´m dont believe in the devil or shit like that..I believe in nothing, so i dont care about religion.
But I mean, i hate people who behaves like they understand the world and know everything...and who think they know ME when they see me ONE time
and I wont say that I dont care what others think of me...mostly I really dont care but guys like this one in my old school....I could puke when I think about this assholes
i already did
VarkVikernes said:
I only feel shit and I want to get more drunk...
I wish i could stop this life now because the girl I love and who left me yesterday hates me now...
And the worst thing is that she´s right with that and I am not!

Hmm, and I cant find my cigarettes...
I dont know if you can understand this...but when you do, dont say I should think about something "happy"....
VarkVikernes said:
but there is nothing happy in my life I could think of now

Thats why the strong and prosperous will trample of your weak and impotent corpse with cloven hooves!