How much do you guys automate sub bass frequencies?

Dan R

Apr 13, 2011
Ottawa, Canada
Question is pretty much in the title. I'm balancing the low end on a rockish mix right now. I'm really happy with the way it's sounding, the low end just occasionally drops out when the bass goes to certain notes and becomes less audible in the mix. I don't really want to compress or limit anymore because the waveform is pretty much a straight line at this point. Automation fixes the issue, I was just wondering how much automation you guys typically use on the bass.

I haven't automated, but I've had luck with stuff like bass rider on split bass tracks on the DI/low one, leaving the grit track without since the dirt compresses it.The low track is definitely the part I want most constant/even perceived loudness.
First things first, while it's good to ask others for advice, don't worry about 'how much' others are doing this or that (depending on what this or that is); don't limit yourself and do what is necessary for a good sounding mix. ie. if it sounds better when you automate it, then why not do it?
That said, I usually don't automate bass at all. Most of the time I compress the holy hell out of the bass and then some because that's just what I prefer.
I totally agree with you, I was just curious if other people did it regularly or not. Anyway, adding or subtracting a couple db here and there between the bass and kick really helped things even out.

cheers guys!
i have found bass rider to be very useful for this ever since i picked it up.... really makes it easier to get a clean and consistent low end out of the bass