How do you guys typically EQ drums?


Jun 16, 2007
Jax, Fl
So now that I've got addictive drums and Battery (which came with Komplete 4) All the drums are raw unlike EzDrummer so I never took the time to really EQ drums. What do you guys typically recommend on the toms? I can't get them to have the thick 'thud' sound as opposed to a almost thin bell chime?

I haven't played with it too much but I'd figure a compress with a fast attack/release maybe?
For toms there are a few areas I usually focus on. Boost ~6khz for attack, boost ~75hz for lows on floor toms or ~150hz on rack toms, cut ~800hz. You won't always need to do all of these, if you tune them right.

Compression usually a fast release and fast attack like you said. I usually try and use a pretty non-transparent compressor for toms too.
For toms there are a few areas I usually focus on. Boost ~6khz for attack, boost ~75hz for lows on floor toms or ~150hz on rack toms, cut ~800hz. You won't always need to do all of these, if you tune them right.

Compression usually a fast release and fast attack like you said. I usually try and use a pretty non-transparent compressor for toms too.

Cool, I will start with these settings and see where I can get.

i prefer to use a slower-ish attack for drum compression, in order to let the initial transient through unaffected...but when the compressor does kick in, i like it to be fierce, with a low threshold and fairly high ratio - this brings the tail-end of the waveform closer to volume with the spike at the beginning

to find that "thud" in the toms, do a parametric sweep across each one to find the frequency that really gives it body...each drum is going to need to be boosted differently, due to the different sizes and tunings.

if you want more "thwack", do the same that you would with the kick - boost anywhere from 4-6k until the attack really pops out at you. i prefer to use a shelving EQ on the high end, but i know plenty of people who use a simple bell curve on the boost.
i prefer to use a slower-ish attack for drum compression, in order to let the initial transient through unaffected...but when the compressor does kick in, i like it to be fierce, with a low threshold and fairly high ratio - this brings the tail-end of the waveform closer to volume with the spike at the beginning

to find that "thud" in the toms, do a parametric sweep across each one to find the frequency that really gives it body...each drum is going to need to be boosted differently, due to the different sizes and tunings.

if you want more "thwack", do the same that you would with the kick - boost anywhere from 4-6k until the attack really pops out at you. i prefer to use a shelving EQ on the high end, but i know plenty of people who use a simple bell curve on the boost.

wow are you psychic?
thats exactly what i was about to say.
its all about medium attack fast release on drums