Processing before or after blending samples?


Aug 24, 2009
Hicktown New York.
So I have a question, I don't know if its a matter of personal preference or a matter of wrong or right but I use superior drummer for drums as I sample replace everything but I'm sure the same concept applies to actual drums.

Do you guys eq/compress the raw drums before mixing them with samples and then re-eq/compress them afterward as well or do you keep the raw sounds and blend them with samples and then eq/compress/whatever all at the same time

I wonder because alot of times I feel that the raw sounds from superior blended with slate are contributing absolutely nothing to the blend and that I would be better off just skipping it altogether and just using slate for all the shells if I don't add any processing before adding my samples to the chain

I know its what sounds better is better but I also know that any processing done degrades the audio so I was just wondering what other people were doing.
I have only used eq pre blend, usually to eq out something from the original sound that I don't like. If you try to EQ it out post blending you'll end up possibly ruining the sample.