How much is it costing you to go to Powerfest?

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
List your name, where you're coming from, and how much you spent.

Will Bozarth
New Jersey (Flying out of Philadelphia)
-$450 total for plane tickets
-$60ish for splitting hotel with people (that amount may change)
-$60? However much 2 tickets will cost at the door (may just do Willcall)
-$30ish for transportation roundtrip from the airport
-unidentified amount of money for food and merch.

Probably somewhere around the ballpark of $700 total by time the weekend is through.
Name = Jason B
Location = Sunny Lombard, IL (about 30 miles from Mokena)
Transportation Cost = About 1/4th tank of gas will be used ($10)
Ticket Cost = I will sweet talk the sexy ladies at the door to get in!
Merch Cost = Possibly $0, unless Nov Doom has some new shirts
Beer Cost = Maybe $10 - $15 (I don't drink much at shows)
Sore Throat Lozenges = $5 (Will be needed after I lose my voice during Nov Doom's set!! Just ask Vito....)
I've seen you in person, you ain't sweet talkin' anyone. :p ;) :lol:

Guess we can't all look like this!
OK, back on topic....

Let see here...

$30 =Gas Money
$400 =VIP Tickets
(Don't know what these are, but Rob insisted they would be worth it)
$140 =2 nights at hotel
$90 =2 bottles of Jack Daniels single barrel
$52 =4 cases of good beer
$72 =150 White Castle hamburgers
$800 =Hookers & Blow
$400 =Bail money
Tony..coming from the lovely and scenic Lisle, far I haven't spent a dime..I gotta get my tickets dammit. It probably won't cost me all that much since I don't plan on drinking at the show and I work across the street from the Pearl Room so no money on gas for Friday at least.
Coming from Elk Grove Village, IL (about 37 miles from Mokena)
- $30 on a two-day pass
- $0 for the hotel. My roomie owes me a crapload of dough from all of the concert tix I have been buying us lately. :headbang:
- $15 gas
- An undetermined amount for beer, merch, food and some possible new swag to wear that weekend.

So far, $45. My guess is that by the time the weekend is over I'll have crept into the few hundred dollar range. I have no problems dishing the cash for a weekend like this. :)
Eric Tomassetti
-200 or something the plane ticket cost
- 40+ for the 2 day pass from ticketbastard
-12 dollars for 12 hookers
-60 or something for the hotel splittage (we oughta figure out who's paying what, haha)

So a good 300 so far... will become more with food and merch!
plane ticket from DC to Chicago - $118.80

3 night hotel stay - $115 each

2 day pass - $30

Getting drunk, making new friends and rockin out for 3 days straight - Priceless ;)
ROCK!!!!!! Angela's going! I wasn't sure. :)

My approximate budget:

about $60 in gas (Cleveland to Mokena and back)
about $180 ($90-ish per night) in hotel expenses... maybe more if I come in on Thursday, but I doubt it unless there's a pre-party
$30 ticket

I'm not budgeting for food, drink, or merch... probably around $100-$150 if I have to guess.

total: between $350 and $450 or so.
ROCK!!!!!! Angela's going! I wasn't sure. :)

My approximate budget:

about $60 in gas (Cleveland to Mokena and back)
about $180 ($90-ish per night) in hotel expenses... maybe more if I come in on Thursday, but I doubt it unless there's a pre-party
$30 ticket

I'm not budgeting for food, drink, or merch... probably around $100-$150 if I have to guess.

total: between $350 and $450 or so.

Yep, I'll be there. I'd never miss an opportunity involving a weekend of metal :)