How much should I charge for a project?


May 26, 2010
Dayton, Ohio
Sorry if this should have been posted elsewhere. I will re-locate accordingly if recommended to do so. I know this has partially been covered before but as far as I have seen it has been in lieu of recording bands. My situation is slightly different. I am being asked for a quote to write music for a call center's "please hold" message. Three minutes, tops, worth of music. This is my first paying job for this kind of thing. I am going to have to mix it and all of that as well. What do you guys think I should ask for? Thanks for any replies.
Alot of younger bands get scared by per hour rates. just give yourself a multi tiered payment structure. For instance, what I personally do, is XXX$ per song for THREE or less, or XX$ an hour for 4 or more.
If you're working for a company, don't be afraid to charge.
They have the money. Trust me.
Personally, for a project like this, a 3 minutes jingle, I'd charge...I don't know, maybe 300-400 bucks?
Not bad for 3/4 day work

EDIT: Did anyone actually read his actual post, and not just the thread title? :lol:
The worst that can happen is tell you you charge too much, then just try and negociate with the corporate suits to see what you can get from them. You're not just going to lose your contract if your first offer is rejected (there's no reason too, unless you want to charge them 5000 bucks)

But then again, this company probably pays a crappy cover band 3000-4000 bucks to play at their Christmas party, so the amount you are going to charge them is probably pretty irrevelant in their book.